I wanna put my sump to better use.


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
After reading everyone raving and going on about mud and what not. I was just wondering what you guys think would be best for me sump.

I used a standard 2 foot tank and made 2 partitions, i was thinking i could shorten the 1st partition have a bit of flow on top and maybe some mud? But i really dunno

I was think of something like this, but i really wont have much space for mud


just on a side note the flow through the sump is rather slow, about 200-250 liters per hour
I think your mud in the position its in wont work because the mud is purely for planting the macro algae in. With floss covering over the top of the mud , this will cut down light reaching the algae and thus inhibit growth. I think a far better use for a sump of this design would be to cram it full of liverock and get the liverock to do the work for you. It needs not lights and could become a haven for pods and other life.
As much as i would love to be able to do that, my wallet just isn't gonna allow it. But wouldn't the floss over time work just aswell as the rock? And i though miracle mud was supposed to have trace elements and other goodness that i just releases, and absorbs protiens
No, the sponge will allow water to pass through it too fast for it to denitrify. It will build up Nitrate but that is where it will stop.

MM does release trace eliments like Iron etc. But this does nothing for filtration. The workhorse for the filtration is the macro aglae that must be planted in it. Mud alone will not filter your tank im afraid.
oh no, well should i be chaning the floss in the sump quite regularly, or just give it a rinse one a week? And I geus i'll just leave it the way it is now :S
i would suggest you just wsh it in old tank water and dont change it. Unless of course you want to keep it sterle and not adding to the biofiltration.

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