I wanna get the best


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Redlands, Ca
Ok I need to buy some water dechlorinator, stress coat, silk plant for tank, and medication to help treat fin rot, :/

Whats the best ???????? :dunno:
What works best??????? :dunno:
What kind of plants for half gallon betta bowls???? :dunno:
Can I use live plants with these bowls, ( no filtration, no nothing)??????????? :dunno:
Whats the best meds for fin rot, Ive tried betta fix no luck?????? :dunno:

i have 2 bettas each with their own half gallon betta tank, glass or marble rocks which ever, ( cause i thought that regular gravel was tearing their fins) still not working. each has a little silk plant. should i put more plants if so what kind. I only put one each togive room to swim.
I also add half teaspoon salt each water change and i do 100% water changes every 3 day so the ammonium hopefull wouldnt be the problem. Should i buy the stuff to rid the tank of ammonium too?????????? :rolleyes:

Help tell me whats best for my set up

much thanks to all :fish:
You can get any dechloriator as long as it removes heavy metals as well as chlorine/chlormine.

As for plants, just buy a silk plant, as live plants will rot and foul the tanks water because you have no light.

For fin rot (I'm not too sure as for meds), but I use Indian Almond Leaf (what it is commonly called in the US) and you can *usually* (no guarentees) pick it up at your local health food shop. Just place about a 6cm * 8cm piece in your tank and let it stew until you change the water. It will go a brown "tea" colour, this is normal.

As for salt, you should just keep adding that amount of rock or aquarium salt. You should buy an ammonia (that's what it is called) test kit and check the water - when it reaches 0.5ppm aprox. that is when you should change the water, but from my experience 100% water change every three days is fine.

PS: Is english your first language?
thanks for the info i will look at local fish store and see if they have it and GNC.

I thought it kinda odd to ask is english is my first language, yes it is.
I know my typing my not be the best, im exhausted but i wanna help my fish so i stayed up late posting. :rolleyes:

anyway im in california where are you from??

aslo anyone else with info on what to do for my boys Dalek and Quark let me know.

Much Love And Thanks For All The :fish: :fish: :fish:
about water declorinator i suggest amquel or novaqua.
they are the best and they are sold at all fish and pet stores

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