I trimmed my SA Puffers teeth

Rory the cat

Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
I finally bit the bullet and trimmed puff's teeth.

I filled 2 clean one litre tupperware tubs with water from his tank. Into one I added 1 drop of clove oil. I tried to scoop him into a cup underwater to pour him into the clove oil water, but he wouldn't have it so I had to use a net. He did go out into the air for about one second, but he did not puff up (phew).

I then popped him into the clove oil and waited - 3 minutes passed with no effect, so I added a second drop. 5 minutes later a third. Then a fourth! This little Puff is one tough cookie! All this time he swimming madly around the container looking extremely angry (but no puffing). Finally he floated belly up, but he was still breathing so I held him through the net and get my cuticle scissors ready and - he started thrashing about. I dropped him back into the water and he goes mad for a few more seconds before floating up again. I pick him up - he started thrashing again! This carries on twice more, by which time I am getting a bit fraught about all the time he is spending in the clove oil.

Finally he stayed still long enough for me to get the point of the scissors in his mouth and cut some of the teeth. They are hard! I only managed to cut off a few mm, but it was enough for them to clear his bottom lip.

I then scooted him straight into the plain tank water, where he floated looking dead for what seemed like an age. I thought I had killed him.

All of a sudden half of his body woke up! He was swimming around in circles while the other half was paralysed! It was really distressing. Within 5 minutes however he was completely awake so I popped him back into the tank. He lay on the bottom for an hour then he was right as rein. This was about 8 weeks ago and he is absolutely fine - in fact his teeth probably need doing again already. (little so and so will not eat snails! I do feed him Krill, Cockle and frozen food but it doesn't do the trick).

I was so proud, but not sure if I would do it again as it was really upsetting - even though he didn't puff up one bit. The LFS have put me onto a local veterinary student who does a call-out service for trimming puffer beaks. Might give him a call...
I've tried to get him to eat shelled foods, but he just won't. With shell on prawns he pushes them around until they go soggy and sucks the meat out, with snails he simply sucks them out or ignores them and he ignores cockle and mussel!
Maybe try a feeding rock. I've noticed that the tooth growth on my South American puffers has slowed since I started pouring the food onto a rock shelf. Once the puffers are finished with the floating food they pick the pieces off the rock and it seems to help keep the teeth in check......this is a theory so far, but I'm monitoring mine closely and it's been at least 6 months since I trimmed teeth and 2 out of 3 show little regrowth.

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