Ok, so I trained my fish to hand-feed (without meaning to). I used to just put my hand in with the food pinched in between my fingers so it'd sink. One time they were really hungry I had a go putting the food in the palm of my hand and seeing if they would eat. Nope they wouldn't so I just dropped it down. Now, 2 weeks later, 6 new fish added and I put the food between my fingers and they will peck it! It's super cute but the first 6 fish that I've had for 2 months are the bravest(and biggest), but any new fish get used to where I usually put my hand in, where they are supposed to swim to, and where to get the food from. All follow the others example so now all are hand-fed. They don't get bulging stomachs anymore but they eat a lot since they are bigger! It's super cute to feel their little bodies round my fingers and the little pecking of food. I will send a video. I love them so much! My brother thought fish were 'boring, you can't cuddle them or play with them, you just watch them.' but now he loves to feed them, also my little sister. I don't allow them to feed when I'm not there to make sure the fish aren't overfed, and they ask permission all the time.