I thought I had an L004/5/28....?


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
My plec was sold to me as an L028 angelicus plec and from what I have seen on Planet Catfish this does seem to be the correct id (although it looks more like L004 at the mo, he/she is only small (21/2"))

The thing is I VERY rarely get to see this fish but when it does come out, very hesitantly, will eat algae wafers. I managed to place a cube of frozen bloodworms in the mouth of his cave tonight and this still didn't tempt him out. Is this right?? :unsure: No other fish in the tank can resist bloodworms, they go mad for them.

Even when he does come out to investigate an algae wafer any other movement or fish around is enough to put him off and make him shimmy back into the bogwood. Should he be this timid? I honestly dont think he has grown in the time I've had him (since Feb) so am a little concerned. He is my fave despite all this :wub:

Is he just too 8) to mix with more common fishes, or just too :*) ????

Please help my little mate :(
I had a L004 a while ago, only lasted 3 weeks. My fault, got very lazy.. My fav plec ever owned i think, mine was visible all the time.

Got lovely pic an all...

Oh noooooo! :byebye:

Thats real sad. Hope all your others fair better.

That is a really cool piccie - definatly the same fish as mine. :D
Wot did yours eat? Did he have somewhere to hide??

Cavafish :fish:
Only time i seen it eat was when i whacked Bloodworm in. He/She used to hide under the peice of wood that its on, not very often though...
ok. thanks for that. Your plec looks considerably bigger than mine. Will try the bloodworm again.

Gonna set up a new home for it very soon - piece of plastic pipe and some slate to disguise it so hopefully he/she will feel more secure. :)

:fun: thanks again

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