I thought I got Fresh water Baracudas.


Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Anchorage Alaska
I bought three fish labled as "lake inla Danios" thoght well, I've never heard of em before and they look abit odd (BIG eyes, deeply forked tail, 3" long, pencil thin, Colors like a glolight danio, Black spots down the sides Mouthes look like big smiles) I figured, "Hey All danios have pretty much the same requirements, my tank is a bit empty but the water quality is great!" I think I'll fill a large rubber maid tub up for em,give em some swimming space.

Oddly enought I see no teeth, I thought they were characins
So what happened, u went to a fish store, bought a few danios, but they were really barracudas???? and now your putting them in a bucket for swimming space. Did i get that right? Or am i a complete idiot?
I bought freshwater baracudas (grow to 12") because they were labled as danios and I figured that they looked somewhat similar and I can keep any danio (there not a diverse group, all have the same needs) I stupidly didn't even look at body, fin, mouth, or eye size/shape or even look for barbels. I'm 95% confident that they are some form of freshwater barracuda (Acestrorhynchu sp.) with the exception of three bits of information they fit to a tee. They have no visible teeth (maybe its because they are young) they have no second dorsal fin (species diference?) and there mothes are somewhat upturned (species difference?) I'm going to keep them in a tub of water atleast 40 gallons untill they are about 5 inches long or I move in which case they will go into a 240 gallon tank in a highschool.

Very slim chance of a photo as I do't own a digicam or have any friends with digicams, I'll try though
A high school? Your high school? As a school project or just because you cant house them.

You could sell them back to the lfs. I did for a few of my fish.
there a horrilb LFS, They will sellanything to anyone, nice clean tanks and diverse fish though (they are a small-chain)just before me They trades 2 bloodparrots and a very pretty red devil (it will probably bring in 60-90 USD) for three pirahnas because the guys oscar din't like the other cichlids, well see how his oscar liked the P's, I warned him and he told me it was none of my bussines and that the oscar isn;t going to be hurt by three fish that are only a quarter his size.

The tank is set up for other reasons, not my bidding, Its a somewhat agresive comunity of sorts (Convicts a sevrum, corries that may have to go later as these grow larger, one very fast Zebra Danio, one creyfish that hides all the time, One platy that hang out with the creyfish, Afew stray bloodworms in the sand)

These fish are obviously noctournal, they are like aquanut and SMB's fresh water barracudas were they hide whenever the lights are on, and for some reason the other fish love them, I have a bitterling a gambusa aff affinis, an endlers Live bearer and a platy in with them and they follw the barrs around, the barracuds don't seem to school wich is good because they sold the rest at the store so I can't get more :no: Now I'm off to set up there new home.

OH and they only eat things that the current catches. if a flake is drifting down they don't even look at it but when ne gets caught in the downdraft off the filter they swim from accros the tank to get it, same with BRine shrimp, and pellets, Live blood worms are different
I bought some Lake Inle Rasboras..... definitely not Barracudas! They looked like this:



and there's a link for them here

Would be cool if you managed to get some pics of yours!

Thats them, :*)

Only mine arent any where near that big around, they are alot skinnyer, Maybe they haven't been fed well enought lately.


There bodys are shaped like this

But ther heads and sides are thos of the rasboras, they are deffinitly the rasboras, Very pretty fish.

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