I think the tank is overstocked


New Member
Mar 15, 2004
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A few weeks ago my sisters boyfriend purchased a tropical fish tank 38 inches x 20 x 20. He then started to build up a community tank and he has always got our back up as he has animals in and then they are moved back out just as quickly!! :no:
After just three weeks he wanted the tank gone and we took them off his hands have done with most of his animals. We looked into tropical fish a while back and did alot of reading but never got round to getting some.

Anyhow to cut it short we took possesion of the tank around two weeks ago and had no choice but to set it straight up and add the fish as dear BIL brought them all round in the same bucket! We added tap safe and made sure we ran the same filter and didnt clean the gravel etc in the hope that the bacteria would remain live!
We must have done something right as they all made it.

Now my main concern is the amount of fish in here and the more I read the more im convinced its way way overstocked! From studying a book here is what I THINK is in it!!

If its overstocked which ones do I move out? Its a very peaceful community and no fighting or nipping going on all seem happy.

2 x rainbow sharks
1 x pleck
9 neons
7 think they are taillights
2 male guppys
4 female guppys (I think they are all pregnant :unsure: )
4 dalmation mollys
2 bubble mollys
2 paradise fish
2 orangey type tetras

all of the fish are currently really small and the longest is the pleck which is around 3 inches the rest are 1 1/2 inches (2 of the guppys) the rest are smaller!

Obviously we have now spent alot of money adding plants (he didnt have any) and some hidy hole ornaments etc and my boyfriend is enjoying keeping them we have quite a menagerie of animals going on here :hey: all very well cared for and we want to do what is right by the fish!
for the sizes of the fish in your tank you may be ok. I wouldn't add anymore yet as it's a new set up. I would suggest checking around the forum to read the pinned topics about cycling, feeding etc. Best of luck!

Thanks for that Alaska. We wont be adding anymore and will just be greatful if these ones that are in here continue to do well! I was so scared that having to add them all straight away we were going to loose some! We added all the water from the bucket into the set up aswell as that was from the tank when it was at his! :thumbs:

Do I need to worry about the pregnant guppies we dont have another tank to seperate them into and its only reading the internet that has made me realise they are pregnant we have about 6 artificial plants in three live plants and a couple floating! I dont particularly fancy being over run with babies but would like to think that at least some had a chance! Should we just leave them in and hopef or the best? :look:

Also havent the beggining idea about doing the quarter water changes once a month so will start a new post on this :/
Forgot to ask also sorry to be a complete and utter pain!! Do any of these fish seem not to be a good combination and not likely to co exist without problems occuring at some point in the future?

I was doing some reading today about the fish we have and the ones that are giving me most concern are the rainbow sharks it said they should either be kept singularly or in groups of six or more of they start to bully each other and the less dominant one becomes miserable! They swim quite happily together and sometimes have a little bit of a chase but nothing that last more than a few seconds and only a few times a day!

There were two big Golden Gourami in there a male and a female but the male was being really aggresive and wasnt just attacking the fish but the thermometer, plants, heater, you name it! When you turned the lights of you could still here the banging we ended up taking them to the local fish store and asking them to have them! We did consider keeping her but when we bagged him up and floated him before we went she was very stressed out and hanging round the bag! It was funny though as when she was in the tank with him she couldnt get far enough away! Did we do right by taking them back as a pair as I have never rehomed an animal before lol and even felt quilty about taking them out especially her as she was peaceful :rofl: How sad am I?
I think you did the right thing.

Since you are concerned about having too many anyhow. It's MUCH easier to get rid of fish when you first have them instead of after months and months and then realizing that you should do something about it.

Good for you and your tank looks GREAT!!! I hope you enjoy!


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