A few weeks ago my sisters boyfriend purchased a tropical fish tank 38 inches x 20 x 20. He then started to build up a community tank and he has always got our back up as he has animals in and then they are moved back out just as quickly!!
After just three weeks he wanted the tank gone and we took them off his hands have done with most of his animals. We looked into tropical fish a while back and did alot of reading but never got round to getting some.
Anyhow to cut it short we took possesion of the tank around two weeks ago and had no choice but to set it straight up and add the fish as dear BIL brought them all round in the same bucket! We added tap safe and made sure we ran the same filter and didnt clean the gravel etc in the hope that the bacteria would remain live!
We must have done something right as they all made it.
Now my main concern is the amount of fish in here and the more I read the more im convinced its way way overstocked! From studying a book here is what I THINK is in it!!
If its overstocked which ones do I move out? Its a very peaceful community and no fighting or nipping going on all seem happy.
2 x rainbow sharks
1 x pleck
9 neons
7 think they are taillights
2 male guppys
4 female guppys (I think they are all pregnant )
4 dalmation mollys
2 bubble mollys
2 paradise fish
2 orangey type tetras
all of the fish are currently really small and the longest is the pleck which is around 3 inches the rest are 1 1/2 inches (2 of the guppys) the rest are smaller!
Obviously we have now spent alot of money adding plants (he didnt have any) and some hidy hole ornaments etc and my boyfriend is enjoying keeping them we have quite a menagerie of animals going on here all very well cared for and we want to do what is right by the fish!
After just three weeks he wanted the tank gone and we took them off his hands have done with most of his animals. We looked into tropical fish a while back and did alot of reading but never got round to getting some.
Anyhow to cut it short we took possesion of the tank around two weeks ago and had no choice but to set it straight up and add the fish as dear BIL brought them all round in the same bucket! We added tap safe and made sure we ran the same filter and didnt clean the gravel etc in the hope that the bacteria would remain live!
We must have done something right as they all made it.
Now my main concern is the amount of fish in here and the more I read the more im convinced its way way overstocked! From studying a book here is what I THINK is in it!!
If its overstocked which ones do I move out? Its a very peaceful community and no fighting or nipping going on all seem happy.
2 x rainbow sharks
1 x pleck
9 neons
7 think they are taillights
2 male guppys
4 female guppys (I think they are all pregnant )
4 dalmation mollys
2 bubble mollys
2 paradise fish
2 orangey type tetras
all of the fish are currently really small and the longest is the pleck which is around 3 inches the rest are 1 1/2 inches (2 of the guppys) the rest are smaller!
Obviously we have now spent alot of money adding plants (he didnt have any) and some hidy hole ornaments etc and my boyfriend is enjoying keeping them we have quite a menagerie of animals going on here all very well cared for and we want to do what is right by the fish!