I think my tiger barbs are breeding?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
NSW - Sydney Australia
I have 2 Golden Tiger Barbs. They swim side by side each other shaking a little. Are they mating or is the male Golden tiger barb shaking the eggs out of the female. My other 4 normal tiger barbs seem to be following the Golds around, possibly eating the eggs. The male Golden tiger barb seems is getting more aggressive. They probably playing but i am new to this. Any help would be appreciated.
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Just to make everyone know, one of my golden tigerbarb have a very red nose and my other gold seems to be a little bigger than the red nose one.
Males develop the red noses and enhanced colouration at spawning times. Females not so, at least to the same extent. All the normally available colour morphs have this trait.

In clean water to their liking, TB's are ready spawners, and I suspect the behaviour you are seeing is spawning. The eggs will not stand a chance in a community tank.

I described my TB breeding setup in this thread.

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