I Think My Lambchops Pregnant !


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Watching my fish today I noticed 2-3 of the 'females' ( I say '' because I'm not 100% sure) look to be really swollen around the belly area which leads my to think they might be ready to pop.

What do I do now??

I have a small 6"x6" netted cage thing I could put in the tank and put them in but do I need leaves in the tank or marbles ...... ?????

Please help I'll get pictures if it helps
Rasboras don't get pregnant. A female might be full of eggs, but not pregnant. The eggs/fry probably wouldn't survive in a community tank, but if you want to have a go at breeding then Ludwig's guide at the top of the forum is a great place to start :good:

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