I think my Firemouth has Ich or Lymphocystis


New Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego, Cali4nia, USA
He has a pimple-like thing on the side of his eye which is white and he didn't have before. I noticed it around 6:40pm today before I left to my friend's house, & since I couldn't stay home, I got some aquarium water, put it in a 5gal. bucket w/ & put him in it. Can you help me out because he's my favorite and most entertaining fish to watch... I took him out because I heard ich is contagious and didn't want my other fish to get it, too. All help is MUCH appreciated. :/


edit- I went on a website w/ fish disease pictures, and it looks like lymphocystis (a.k.a cauliflower disease). His symptoms are: not eating much, spends most time at bottom not moving (only at night), and some days I wake up to see him discolored. Please tell me if it is indeed lymphocystis and how to cure it please.

=== My Quick Help Info ===================

Tank Stats
Size of Tank (Gallons / Litres): 29gal.
Running for how long: 1-2 months

Water Params
Temp: 74 F
pH: 7.2
Ammonia (ppm): ?
NitrIte (ppm): 0
NitrAte (ppm): 40
Water-change Schedule: every month or as necessary
Water-change Amount: 25-50%
Any Water Additives: Jungle Clear Water last week

What fish are in the tank, length, age, etc.
Kissing Gourami, 2in., 4 weeks (buying a bigger tank for him/her soon)
Opaline Gourami (male), 2in., 4 weeks
Firemouth Cichlid (male), 1 1/2in., 2 weeks

my firemouth started losing scales so I put him back in the tank. he dropped straight & layed on the gravel for about 1 min. :-( I thought he died & started crying a flood. My kissing gourami saw him and swam down there. He pushed my firemouth up & was helping him around! how sweet! I have a guardian angel in the tank... :D well, he was losing scales because my mom told me the bucket i had put him in, she used for moping & had soap inside. I added Stress Coat so his scales would grow back... Should I also add salt? If so, how much?


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