I Think My Festivum Has Hith...


Let's Be Friends
Oct 2, 2011
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I checked out a new store with my mom today when she cane to visit, as I will be upgrading my tank to a 55 this weekend and wanted to see the small possibilities opening to me. and was very excited to see they had a festivum for sale. They're one of my favorites in regards to their docile personality and unique shape, and though I am usually very good at spotting diseased fish before taking them home with me, this time, I think I was too caught up in excitement to think about the possibility I'd disease.

Well. Anyways. I spent the evening acclimatizing and admiring my newfound love, though it being very shy and sticking around the back of the tank, taking a few flares and head butts from my firemouth (but not any hard core abuse) but I walk up to the tank to turn the lights off for the night, and he's up front and center being warmed up to my presence, when my heart skipped a beat; small chalky white dots were covering his forehead. I snapped a picture of him which I sent to nosphaer, he'll have it on here in a bit.

Anyways. I need a little course of action advice, here. I have honestly really fallen for this guy. I don't know how bad it is, or how hard it its to treat, or anything. My ammonia and nitrite are 0, as always. If I take him back, it'll be for refunds, as he was the only festivum they had. I'd like to give it a shot at treatment (whatever treatment may be) if its not a lost cause. But if things aren't going to work out the way I want, I'd like to give my eye to the keyholes I've been dying to have since ever.

So really, advice on what you think I should do in any regards and advice on treatment would be appreciated. Like I said, nosphaer should have the picture up soon. Thanks much :c

I hope you'll be able to contradict or, hopefully not, confirm these suspicions.

Thanks, everyone. We appreciate it.
On another note, if the disease isn't too heavy or deemed unbeatable or something, I could move the guy to my 10 gallon temporarily and treat him with meds. Are there any good medications out there for this?
You could try eSHa Hexamita, it treats a wide range of diseases for cichlids but the main one being HITH, its a 3 day course and i have had some very good results with it on my discus recently.

This med is also harmless to other species of fish and plants.

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