I think my female betta just had eggs...


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal Quebec, Canada
I was just looking at my g/f's female and about 12 small white dots/balls came out of her right at that second :hyper: . She ate most of them quite willing though. The thing is we've never "introduced" her to the male betta yet, so where are these coming from or what are they?? We put some of those eggs in the males bowl just to see what would happen, but he hasn't found them yet. Also, can females make bubble nests? There's a pretty good imitation of one in our females bowl, almost the same size as our males nest.
I've heard that females will release eggs when they're carrying too many, but I've never seen it happen myself. I have, however, seen females make bubble nests! Right after I got my females crowntail, I saw her blowing bubbles at the top of her tank... she has only done it that one time, though. :dunno:
If the male isn't there when they are being released, there is no chance they can get fertilized...in order to get them fertilized they need to be released during a "clutch", what the male and female do during spawning where the male wraps himself around the female and sqeezes her, it is then he fertilizes them. Even then it isn't guaranteed that they will be fertilized, since if the "clutch" isn't done perfectly, the eggs won't be fertilized properly. If the male doesn't eat the eggs you put in his tank, you will want to remove them as they will quickly spoil and grow fungus on them, dirtying his tank.

haha... all you people and your good luck with females... my females are stupid or something... rarely eat the good food.. and hate males... hating males? KINDA LIKE HUMAN WOMEN :eek:

:eek: :eek:
My orange female is forever spilling her eggs and then snacking on them :rolleyes: , usually the day before I plan on putting her in the breeder, I've literally had to yank her out in mid spill/snack and chunk her in the breeding tank :rolleyes:

And a lot of females bubble nest :nod: some of my girls can put the boys to shame :p
from what i understand, females release eggs on a monthly basis, we just don't usually see it happening and they tend to eat them. ;)

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