I think my electric blue acara have had eggs


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 2, 2020
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I think my acara have eggs , they are juveniles around 3 inches the last week I noticed two what I thought males were very friendly always together I then noticed them Both start removing all gravel and sand from inside this selected tree cave , last week days I have noticed very territorial behaviour going on both of them have laid clam to this area of my tank one stays in the cave one stays out of one goes out the other goes in , they are serious about this I have a convict who is slightly larger than the pair and his curiosity has got him no where other than a blue blur of angry fish , I’m assuming I have eggs as they do not attack each other , I don’t really want to take the tree out and look as they seem to be doing a really good job , I’m not expecting fry as it’s there first batch ( if they hve eggs ) I’m sure they hve eggs but could this Behavior be anything more serious
Sounds like they have eggs and are defending their territory. They should be fine.
Sounds like they have eggs and are defending their territory. They should be fine.
They did have eggs mate they did well to be honest for the first batch they made it to swimming fry , before my convicts ate them all , the convicts are now gone lol

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