I think me female betta has mouth fungus


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
I just bought her 3 days ago and she was fine, eating etc. She's in a 1 gallon by herself and recieves daily water changes. But it seems like overnight her mouth turned slighty white and now it looks like it could be spreading. She's stopped eating so i know its getting worse. I have meds that could cure it, but when treating a disease dont you usually need areation and heating? Can you use salt with bettas?

Please help!
Hi snowyangel :)

Your fish has a bacterial infection. :X

Flavobacterium columnare resembles a fungus, but is a bacteria and it develops when fish have been subject to stressful conditions such as overcrowding, high nitrite levels, rapid increase in water temperature, low oxygen, etc. These are common things that happen to bettas while being shipped from one place to the next.

When treating this, it's good to have aeration and to keep the temperature below 75 degrees to slow the growth of this bacteria.

It is important to treat this as soon as possible. As for salt, I've heard both yes and no where labyrinth fish are concerned, but I don't think it will do much to help at this stage.

A medicine containing kanamycin (Kanacyn) is good because it will also treat secondary infections if they occur.
Thanks inchworm for the detailed answer and quick response. Unfortunately, i think the fungus has spread too far. I have an air stone running and fungus meds in there, but she looks very bad. I wish i could just rub it off and make it all better, but what can u do :-( . I feel horrible for putting her through this. I've never had a fish get fungus before. Just wish for the best i guess
I just cured my betta from the same thing. I added half a teaspoon per gallon of salt (apparently the regular salt dosage with sick bettas is 1 teaspoon / gallon, but I thought I would be cautious) and now for the last week I've given the tank a daily dose of Melafix. It only took ~ 24 hours for the fungus to go away, the rest of the treatment has been more to be sure. He's doing great now. Unfortunately betta fix didn't work for my first betta who died from the same thing :(
I've only recently tried MelaFix, myself, and am quite impressed with it. :nod:

If someone has both MelaFix and BettaFix, please look at the package. I think it is actually the same thing, but BettaFix is stronger. Please let me know if I am right in thinking this. -_-
Sea_Monster87 said:
I heard that bettas can't have salt. I'd also try betta fix. That helps most times.
not true ;) here is something we have tried (an old time betta breeder gave us the tip), dissolve some aquarium or sea salt in water and take a q-tip and soak it. if you notice an infection in the beginning stages you can try swabing the area with said q-tip. one of our oldest bettas (our first ever, a blue veil-tail) had the beginnings of something on his forehead once and my wife tried this and it worked. of course you have to be very careful when applying it (thats why i only trust my wife). ;) anyways, take this advise with a "grain of salt" what worked for us once might not be right for others (ie. serious infection too far gone).
mine have ick right now... its getting better but i add a pinch of salt everyday to try to keep em going lol

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