I think I've got betta fever


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I put my two bettas into separte community tanks just so I can use their old homes to put even more bettas in. I just found myself buying a 1.5 gallon and setting it up for no apparent reason. I wasn't planning on getting in fish. I just set it up... so I'm getting three new bettas soon. 1 for each tank!!!!

Do you think I've caught the disease?
it IS easy to catch, so you may have -_-

Sadly...there is no known cure, it only worsens :no:

make sure you tell us when your new arrivals come home, and fyi...boy/girl/boy is an amazing set-up. Since the guys can't see each other clearly they just flirt with the girl in the middle ALL DAY LONG, makes for some pretty entertaining bettas,plus they love the company :wub:
Well, In my circular 1.5 gallon (8in. diamter) I bought a female betta and two white clouds. They white clouds are still nervous but the betta has already claimed her clay pot! She's cute. There were two females at wal-mart but I figured it would be too cramped with two females in there so I only bought the one. I was really tempted to just take them all because there were 3 males and 2 females. But I didn't....

I saw some super pretty bettas at petco (females) She was pink with red in the middle of her fins. She was so beautiful. I've never seen one like her. But the whole tank was quarentined (go figure) and I'm pretty sure she was the only one that was not dying or already dead in the tank. I just wanted to put her in my pocket and run home and make her better. But, fish don't live in pockets so I couldn't....
I checked out the fish at Walmart two days ago, and not one of them was really healthy (esp. not the bettas and snails in their own containers). I haven't gotten the disease yet, but once I place the betta into my five gallon (or rather if) I'll buy a female to take his spot in the betta hex or buy another hex for her so I can breed bettas.

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