I Think I've Got A Sulker!


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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He's spat out a pellet and a frozen bloodworm this morning and is just mooching about. I know he'll be OK without food, but I worry about my filter bacteria. After Levi died, I kept them going with ammonia and they were processing 2ppm in 24 hours quite happily. I last put some in fri night and I left the filter sponges in a bucket with a bit of ammonia yesterday while I redid the tank. I'm not convinced about the cat litter topped with sand substrate staying put, so I really don't want to have to do loads of water changes.
Anyway, here's a few pics!



No.4, where you can see all the scratches on the glass :blush: is about the best one of his real colour. Very different to his eBay pic, where he's just black and gold. You can see a big split in his tail and anal fin-not sure what the orange edges are?
he looks to be mustard gas coloration. thats what the orange is, and its NICEEEE!!!
your filter will be fine! while it might experience some dieoff, he is still giving off waste even though hes not really eating. once hes settled and eating, the filter will catch up quickly and those live plants will help BIG TIME in keeping ammonia etc at bay. just keep an eye on the plants for rotting bits as they will pollute the water too. just trim off the shabby looking pieces if you should see any. test the water frequently (every day for the first week or so, then everyother day if you are happy with the test results over the first week). once you are certain the filter is ok, you can do tests once a week (i do mine every waterchange day which is once a week without fail).
he is gorgeous and so is his tank!
Im sure the filter will be fine hon, if you are worried just monitor the water, he is gorgeous!!!! Absolutely stunning x
He's found the coconut cave-haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon!
he will come out when he's hungry, and then hoepfully start patrolling the tank.
i tried coconut caves but none of my boys ever used them so i gave them to a friend for their hermit crabs.
he is a beauty! hopefully he will settle in soon and be more active.
Was he? :( Halfmoon, mustard gas I think.
really sorry you lost him,. he was really stunning. probably sick from the get-go. poor little chap :(
better luck with the next one.
sorry you lost him. He was so beautiful. Sometimes the stress of being shipped in the shop and then moving again is too much. I have lost some beautiful fish like that. Your tank is out of this world by the way. xx
i used to have a tank like that it was not bad but it wasent big enough for what i had in there. now iv got a 8ft one with about 20-30 fish adding some more soon.

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