I Think It Woul Be Overstocked....


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I posted previously about how many male guppies I could have in a 12 UK gallon...
Well I still have that 12 UK gallon (it is being cycled) and I am still going to put guppies in it. But i just got 5 longfin zebra danios today from a friend and I wish to put them in with guppies (they are together in biger for now)
But I was also planing on buying WCMM, if I can get some, but now I don't know if that would be even possible, because I think I would be overstocking...

So my stocking than would be:
5 male guppies (I want to keep five because I have five different colors of them)
5 longfin zebra danios
5 WCMM (?!)

My problem is that I know danios and WCMMs are schooling fish so I can't have less than 5 of each, but with guppies I want to keep 5 because I have five different colored ones....
So should I skip the WCMMs? Please, be honest

Oh, yeah - I have internal tetratec, the temperature I will keep than in is 22 C (I already keep guppies at that T), it will be moderatly planted.
I would forget about the WCMM and up the temp a couple of degrees.
i would skip the zebra danios. IMO white clouds are more colorful and fun to watch. check the 20 gal in my sig...some would say its a bit overstocked..but things have been steady and great! my zebras always tend to die off slowly for unknown reasons plus white clouds do good in warmer water as well. my temp was running at 80 for a while and they thrived.

but i think having 5 of each wouldnt be so bad either as long as you have good filtration. you could not get 5 of one and get some bottom dwellers

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