Hello I'm new. I recently got a I dont know exactly the size I bought it from a neighbor. I think its 55 gallons. I never knew you had to let a tank sit for 8 weeks. I onl let the tank run for 3 days. But also the filter I got was 30-50 but it wasnt strong enoguh so my water was cloudy I bought a new filter today and its clear now. But anyway Ive had these tiger barbs for like 3-4 weeks. I bought 2 and 1 is always fighting the other. I know now that they are school fish and I need 5 or more. But the other one has lost its fins because of the other one. Should I remove both of the fish or just one of them. The mean one is fine his fins are perfect. But if I remove the defeated barb, will the aggressive one attack other fish? I have a bala shark, pictus catfish and an algae eater. I'm also thinking of adding more fish. Do I have to get cartian kinds? I want to get another bala but I dont think there is enough room in the tank for when its fully grown. I want to get more tiger barbs and a few others. Sorry about the grammar I tend to just type and things pop in my head. But the question was should I remove the hurt fish, the aggressive barb isnt really messing with the beat up fish. but the beat up fish lost most of its fin, can fish grow fins back?