I think I'm doing everything wrong.

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Aug 9, 2004
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Hello I'm new. I recently got a I dont know exactly the size I bought it from a neighbor. I think its 55 gallons. I never knew you had to let a tank sit for 8 weeks. I onl let the tank run for 3 days. But also the filter I got was 30-50 but it wasnt strong enoguh so my water was cloudy I bought a new filter today and its clear now. But anyway Ive had these tiger barbs for like 3-4 weeks. I bought 2 and 1 is always fighting the other. I know now that they are school fish and I need 5 or more. But the other one has lost its fins because of the other one. Should I remove both of the fish or just one of them. The mean one is fine his fins are perfect. But if I remove the defeated barb, will the aggressive one attack other fish? I have a bala shark, pictus catfish and an algae eater. I'm also thinking of adding more fish. Do I have to get cartian kinds? I want to get another bala but I dont think there is enough room in the tank for when its fully grown. I want to get more tiger barbs and a few others. Sorry about the grammar I tend to just type and things pop in my head. But the question was should I remove the hurt fish, the aggressive barb isnt really messing with the beat up fish. but the beat up fish lost most of its fin, can fish grow fins back?
Do you have water test kits? Before you invest in fish start with that. There are so many things wrong in your paragraph, that you may not know now, but will comeback to haunt you.

You need way more tigers, and that bala need to be in larger tank with more balas along with it
Well I do have stuff that removes chlorine and chloramine. What else does I need besides water test kit?
Edit: Ok I read the water testing info, that was pretty informative. But I heard some saying some of his fish were itching an stressed. I didn't know fish had all these emotions and life to them. Now I really want to get more fish well after I fix the problems im having. And about the bala shark if the tank is too small. Is it ok to return him to the pet shop? But I cant afford another tank.

How do I know if fish are stressed or itching? Ill get a water test kit tommorrow and post results.
Wow I read all the beginners stickies. I feel like a fish abuser now. My mom has a 40 gallon tank with mollies ( that had babies to for like 2 months) and before she got tropical fish she had 2 goldfish which she had for like 5-6 years. But she didnt follow this stuff. Did the goldfish have miserable lives? And I know there's plenty of people out there who have fish but don't know this stuff. I got all my new fish from petsmart and they never told me about any of this stuff. All the fishes in peoples tank who dont test water. The poor fish. And I feel like a fish killer now :sad: I need major help. And about what your supposed to do with sick fish. I see people just flush em. so sad.
If they're really not going to get better, a lot of people humanely kill them (don't really want to go into details, its not exactly gory, but I don't like to talk about it because it makes me sad :no: ).

Definately go to a different store other than petsmart, whenever I go anywhere like that, theres not much variety and the staff are awful, the best stores are reputable fish only shops, the staff are better educated and will tell you stuff that you need to know, only go to petsmart etc for heaters and stuff.

Don't feel too bad about the fish. It may be depressing, but at least you know now. Cheer up, I'm sure you wont make the same mistake again! :thumbs:

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