I Think I Have The Neon Tetra Disease


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Last night while watching my tank I saw one of the tetras had a patch of colour missing on it's side.

I sat longer and watched the rest and they all have a vivid blue stripe but this one has a small patch missing that breaks the full stripe in two, this morning I caught him and put him in my 15l shrimp tank as quarantine but what does this mean ?

Have all the fish got it?
Are the lambchop rashboras in danger or the albino cories, otos or the betta?

I know if it is NTD this fella has a death sentence but how do I know for sure.

Stripe is only broken on one side so far.
Because of the reasons above. If it could be another else I'd be happy to hear them
I had a similar problem with a couple of green neons earlier this year. It's not (if it's the same as mine had) NTD; that inolves fading out of the blue, bent spines and emaciation; this seems to be bacterial in origin.

I treated with two courses of Myxazin; one course, a massive water change and running carbon for two days, followed by another course, as one of the fish still had a 'pimple' at the end of the first course.

I think I'd put him back and treat the whole tank. Both mine made a full recovery, and I haven't had anything like it since.
he could be off colour for any number of reasons, i think with ntd they usually stop eating, hide away from everyone, either bloat because their muscules are full of cysts or get bent up, they cant swim properly and it takes months to kill them off. its pretty much untreatable too. false neon tetra disease is exactly the same symptoms but a different cause and can be treated. hopefully he's just a bit peaky and will pull round after some treatment. good luck :)
Don't forget that neon tetras can actually change there coloration a little bit because of their crystalline scales which allow them to shift slightly and thus changing the angle of when light will reflect off and give them their glorious glow. (correct me if im wrong)

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