I Think I Have A Small Hairline Crack In My Tank!


New Member
Oct 13, 2007
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My tank has finally cycled and my fish will be here on Tuesday. Today I noticed what looks to me like a small hairline crack on the side of my tank! I have had the tank set up for about 6 weeks. Everything is level so I have no idea what has happened.

What in the world do I do now? Is there something I can buy to seal the crack before it gets larger and breaks? If I have to get a new tank and move everything, will I have to start the cycle all over again?????

I could just cry about now.
Sorry to hear that.

Probably best to replace the tank, best in the long term. You should be ok with the cycle if you can keep the filter going until you switch it over.
Is it a crack, or a scratch ? Glass is surprisingly easy to scratch - especially if you have sand !

If it IS a crack, it WILL run to/from at least one edge... its what it does when it gets there that keeps us all awake !
Depending on where the crack is, and your level of pride, you can patch it with another piece of glass, or even a strip of glass - stuck on with "glassbond" NOT I REPEAT NOT silicon !

Ive have scratches in tanks for decades, so apart from looking out of place, they are quite safe.

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