So I bought a yellow watchman goby and a hi fin red banded goby online.
They are going in a 90 gallon tank, with a bunch of hiding places and open sandy spots.
The only problem I think will be that i have to quarantine them both, but I only have 1 10 gallon tank... They will both be small, but I think 10 gallon is too small for 2 gobies to get along for 2 weeks+
Any suggestions?
Current tank stocking is only 2 clowns, which goby do you think is more disease resistant if i have to put 1 in the display tank without quarantine?
They are going in a 90 gallon tank, with a bunch of hiding places and open sandy spots.
The only problem I think will be that i have to quarantine them both, but I only have 1 10 gallon tank... They will both be small, but I think 10 gallon is too small for 2 gobies to get along for 2 weeks+
Any suggestions?
Current tank stocking is only 2 clowns, which goby do you think is more disease resistant if i have to put 1 in the display tank without quarantine?