I Tearful Goodbye!


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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gutted ive just said goobye to eric the hamster he has been ill for a little while, he started growing lumps all over the place, and the past few days hasnt been himself at all, today i went downstairs as usual made my daughters breakfast watched tv then got my little girl dressed i went out the room for 2 seconds when i returned i noticed eric was out of bed near his food pot and was wobbling side to side i got him out to give him a cuddle ,as i knew this was it for him, i had to go out for an hour and was kinda hoping he would slip away while i was out i came home put my daughter back to bed for a nap and went downstairs to see how eric was, he was just how i left him snuggled up in his bed for a split second i thought he had gone but he looked up at me so i lay on the sofa took him out of his bed and lay him on the cushion next to me we lay there for 20mins when suddenly eric flinched i hushed him and stroked him, but he flung himself back took three deep breathes then slipped away while i was still stroking him, i carried on stroking him for a further 20mins, before putting him in his favourite green ball and i buried him in that, near our apple tree, im now so grateful he waited for his mummy to come home before he went, he wasnt alone, i was expecting this for days i thought i was prepared but i so wasnt it sounds silly cryin over something so small, i'll miss you eric so much :sad: i just felt i needed to write this and share with you all, sorry it couldnt of been a better story :/
Thats so sad, Poor boy. Well its typical for them to "grow lumps", mine had one on her eye once. Well at leased hes not in pain anymore. RIP little guy
Sorry for your loss. :(

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France
sorry for your loss.

it sounds like eric was very much loved and obviously knew this thats why he waited for you xx
sorry for your loss.

it sounds like eric was very much loved and obviously knew this thats why he waited for you xx

thanks everyone!! and yeah eric was very very much a loved little hammie, his sister knows something isnt right even though they were kept in seperate cages she keeps looking over at his empty cage as i still cant bring myself to cleaning it yet, i had to seperate them 2days after we got them they didnt like to share things!! and were always fightin but im sure shes missing him just as much as us now, R.I.P Eric

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