I Swear He's Lost The Plot


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok title says it really, I'm sure Ty has completely lost the plot since he chased off the burglars, he's a totally different dog. Reason I say this is that when we've been going out and through the woods he's actually started to pay attention even without treats and when there are other dogs about (not normal for Ty), ok he has semi faltering moments where I'll call him when he's off to go say hi to another dog and will carry on for a bit then change his mind and come darting back to us without even bothering the other dog. I keep thinking he's been abducted. Also instead of not being interested in strangers or nervous he keeps wanting people in the street to say hi to him and give him a fuss, :S. Not that it's a bad thing or anything I just find it strange. He's yet to be put to the test of a complete stranger coming into the house/garden yet though as that is when he's at his worst.

Oh well better go as being summoned by his lordship Ty for a game of tug, who needs a rowing machine or tredmill when you have a dog that will gladly oblige in keeping you fit (semi in my case lol)

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