I Suspect Cats, Or Could There Be Another


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2009
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Ok it's getting serious now. I have lost three good size frogs in the past week. The first was on the Patio, with the top of his head and brains missing. Then this weekend another one on his back with the head chewed up but the rest of the body untouched. Then yest morning another in one of the borders, just chewed up. Am I right in blaming cats or is there another suspect. I don't own a dog or Cat myself but everybody else's cats use my garden. I wouldn't hurt them but the mess and damage is starting to grate.

So the question is as above and if it is cat's, is there a sure fire way of stopping them comming into my Garden. I've tried almost everything, the sonic cat scarer was useless, one cat even went up to it and gave it a kiss for gods sake. :crazy:
a sure fire way to stop the cat's coming into your garden is to leave orange or lemon peel laying round the pond . Cat's hate the smell of citrus so will not come near once they smell it . The fact that the head's are missing i think it will be the cat's. It could also be fox's if you live in an area where they could be found nothing much you can do about them tho !

try the peel trick it always works ! lol just remember to change them every week or so

Hope that Helps
I am no help but have a similar issues but my neighbours cats don't go on murderous amphibian attacks, they attack the birds given a chance. What really grates me is when they decided to have a fight in my backgarden, they scream and moan plus generally making a racket. Seem to keep the heron away though ;)
Thanks Kizz and Saltynay,

With you on that one Saltynay, I've even had two copulating on the shed roof, even with the hoselock I couldnt move them or shut them up. The woman next to me with three cats feeds them all outside and this only makes matters worse. I would like to enjoy the smell of my plants and not the smell of cats. Kizz, I have tried Orange and other Citrus type products, sorry to say it didn't work. Oh well.
get a dog, it will surely keep neighbours cats out of your garden ;) (just kidding, but it works for me :) )
citrus peel works best when you grate it up and spread it around regularly. You can also boil it and spray the water around. After a few days it stops working as well and you need to add some more. Ammonia can also be used. You put some in a spray bottle and spray around the area each day. It works best if you do it at sunset so it still smells strong when the cats come out to play. You can put small containers of ammonia around the property, but keep them away from kids or dogs so they don't get any on themselves.
The other option is to put up an electric fence around your property or get a bb gun. BB gun should be a last resort.

Birds often peck the heads of frogs. Foxes will eat the whole. Cats play with them but don't often eat them unless they are really hungry.
Thanks Guy's, untill recently both of us worked so having a dog wasn't an option. Now it's even less so. I am also trying to cultivate really spiky plants, the rose bushes I currently have seem to do the trick near them. May try the ammonia, but I think the smell may put me off going into my own garden. Just wish cat owners would build their own sand/cat litter pit in their own gardens and train their cats to use it.
well my mum's neighbour has lost 100pound's worth of fish to one of these, and alot of people around also do...

However where my sister live's,her cat come's home with bird's/mice/rat's/frog's/ so could be either....
Hi Nelly,

I think a Heron would actually eat the frog hence I think it is probably cats. We do get herons fly over but never caught one near the pond it's too busy near my mates khoi pond. Nice picture though (of the heron).


Surely a shotgun would be a last resort not a bb gun.....

Or an Elephant gun, oh hold on I don't have a problem with those, :lol:
you could try lion poo
better still if you live near a zoo/wildlife park ask them if you can have some

dont spray or put ammonia down it will attract males , ammonia smell very similar to male cat urine, i t will however stop mice rats birds and other thinga cats like coming into the garden

a few things you could try
pepper corns crushed and spinkled around the garden



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