I'm trying really hard to act normal
My dearest, oldest betta, Dogma, passed away yesterday I'm just heartbroken over the little guy...my very first betta, and (sshhh, don't tell the others) my favorite. He was a very hansome, black betta. I wanted to find another black (as hard as I knew that would be without going to an actual breeder), but I wanted it to look "different". Anyway, I popped into PetsMart (just to look) and lo and behold I found Peckle. Someone had to have "hid" him for later...he was in the back of "Betta Water" bottles and Azoo tanks. He's very dark blue (basically black) body with a little lighter blue fins with black speckles all over his fins.
And while I was feeding Simon (my teal/white betta) he was staring straight up at me, and then jumped out of the water. It was like watching a tiny SeaWorld show from above.
And while I was feeding Simon (my teal/white betta) he was staring straight up at me, and then jumped out of the water. It was like watching a tiny SeaWorld show from above.