I spiked, I spiked!!! I think...


New Member
Oct 26, 2004
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Hey, guys. I'm new here, just started my 75-gallon SW tank 2 weeks ago and here's the short of it:

First Readings: Ph 8.2
Alk High
Ammonia .25 (toxic .1)
Nitrites None
Nitrates None
Temp 82 degrees

Stayed that way for about a 1 week, then I added a cleanup crew of 5 hermits and 3 snails.

2 days after cleanup crew: Ph 8.2
Alk High
Ammonia .25 (toxic .09)
Nitrites .1
Nitrates None
Temp 79 degrees

1 day later: Ph 8.2
Alk High
Ammonia NONE!!!!!
Nitrites .05
Nitrates 2.5
Temp 78 degrees

OK, so this is good, right? Everything is cycling properly, from what I have gathered. Hope I'm not missing anything. The temp flux is b/c of a couple of kinks that I had to work out, but I've got it stable now at around 79 degrees. It seems to fluctuate 2 degrees a day--How stable do I need to get it and is a daily 2-degree fluctuation OK?

Also, what exactly am I ready for now, critter-wise? I know damsels will be fine in there, but what exactly am I waiting for to put other fish in there? I know the Nitrates and Nitrites need to go down, but I'm assuming that is imminent. I really need to get a peppermint shrimp in there b/c my LR I just noticed has some aptasia hitchhiking it's way in!!! By the way, this is a FOWLR. There's not a lot of aptasia, just 2 little bitties, but I know that can change fast, so I'm hoping I'll be safe for the peppermint shrimp soon b/c I don't have quite enough confidence yet to try removing it myself. (Heard horror stories about that!) So, what's the time table for crustaceans?

You can read everything in sight but there's nothing like experienced people to keep you on the right track. Thanks again!
Looks like the tank is working well. ;)

Ok, peppermint shrimps.... Make sure before you buy that they are truely peppermint shrimps. Many fish shops sell camel shrimps or dancing shrimps as peppermints when this is not the case. If you get any of the other then you are liekly to have problems in them eating any corals you might want to add later as they are renowned coral munchers. ( i know you want Fish only but you could well change your mind at a later date).

I would not add damsels as you will have a hard time catching them later when you need to remove them after bullying your other fish :crazy:
I would look for a hardy fish.. perhaps a pair of young clowns. They are peaceful and hardy, great to watch and if you get them early enough you are gaurenteed a pair. ;)

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