I Sooo Want A Nano...but Where Do I Start?

ice maiden

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
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United Kingdom
After seeing all your nanos, I really want to do one myself, but it all seems really confusing, however I want to do it properly and slowly......

I am in the UK, I dont really have loads of space so Nano sounds ideal.....where do I start, can someone do me a list of what i need to buy, so that I can start readiing all the fab info u guys have posted on this topic???
Hey IceMaiden :)

Here a list of what i have so far:

Tank - You can use one of your existing FW tanks and turn it into a SW as long as you haven't used any copper based medications. Remember the bigger you go the more cushioning you will have.

Heater - 5watts per gallon is the going rate

Powerhead - Anything that can turn your tank over at least 10x an hour is good 15x good 20xgreat (Thanks SH :p)

Lights - Depending how far you are planning on going. I'd say 2watts per gallon would keep all the good coraline and stuff on your LR alive and well. 4-5watts will see you growing softies but you will need more for harder corals :) This is where most of your money is dumped in :(

Digital thermometre - Important to get an accurate reading. Use a cheapo one just for backup

Refractometer or hydrometer - Refractometer's cost a few bob more but are meant to be will worth it. I'd reccomend paying the extra £20 on one. You could end up saving yourself £100's in the long run :)

Master Kit - Don't use dipsticks they are basically useless. Go liquid tests all the way. I'm using a hagen master kit, seems okay to me :)

Salt - lots of Different brands, i'm told TMC and reefcrystals are two of the best

Water Changes

2 25litre RO Drum
Mixed Powerhead - Nothing fancy just enough to mix in the salt
Mixer heater - again nothing fancy or too powerfull.
2.5 gal bucket - you could just use your 25litre drums....
Weekly water change - LFS RO water or RO Unit
RO unit and tap fittings - If you want to have more confidence in the water your putting into your £200+ setup you want to make sure you pick up a decent RO Unit. You can use the LFS water at about 45p a gallon buth can you really trust them? How long have they been using the membranes which most suplly plenty of people with water in that area...:S

LiveRock - Your main or only filtration. Get the best and most pourous stuff you can. Going rate is about 14.50 per Kg
Live arog sand - Helps buffer up Ph
Cleaner Crew - Name says it all ;)
Fish Food - Yummy
Misc - bits and pieces like 6soclet extension, light timers and nets and so on....
Ice maiden..print those two posta above up on paper and then.........HOLD ON TO THEM AND USE THEM FOR REFERENCE AFTER YOU READ AND RESEARCH.

Before thinking shopping list...think information base. The key to a successful nano reef is research and preparation. I have a 46G FW and, unlike marine, I was able to get it up and running right away. Marine takes much more prep. Spend a few weeks reading this forum and find a few books to read....check out the 'realm of knowledge' post under the main marine forum. Come back and post a 'check list' and your plans for setup...we'll all get you up and running. Good luck and welcome aboard...you are off to a good start. SH
Thanks guys.......and because i want to get as much info on the start up and keeping is why i did this post, so i can spend all my time researching......
Thanks for that one, just ordered the simple guide to mini reefs......starting my research straight away I cant wait to get started
Ice Maiden,

The best recommendation for anyone wanting to get into reef keeping let alone Nano Reef keeping is RESEARCH. Steelhealr, a member of this forum and on Nano-Reef.Com has very good threads on his experiences and has lists of acceptable starter to advanced fish, corals, mods etc...

As you research Nano Reef keeping is becoming more and more standard but keep in mind it's still relatively new ground in reefkeeping. So everyone that has books out says start off LARGE, the larger the better... as long as you keep in mind the ADULT size of colonies or specimens or Fish then you should be ok.. I do agree with the Size does matter in a nano though. The larger the volume the easier it is to avoid a crash.

With all this info available and hobbiest like steelhealr around you will have great success if you heed the advice given to you.

Welcome to the most addictive hobby on the planet IMHO! :) ENJOY!

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