I shall call him mini-me.


New Member
Apr 17, 2004
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Hello all,
I recently picked up some Pigmy Corys, and really like them. I also have Dwarf puffers (in a different tank of course), and my girlfriend has Dwarf Frogs. I was wondering does anyone else have other ideas for mini/dwarf/pigmy species? I think an all mini tank would be kewl (thanks inchworm). Mainly I am looking for smaller versions of bigger fish, not just small species. I do know about Dwarf Gouramis, but any other ideas would be great. :D

well they aren't for your tank i'm actually just bragging but synodontis petricola there like dwarf synodontis multipunctatus
How about any of the dwarf rasboras?
Or you could try Badis badis sp. scarlet if you like.
Dwarf giraffe catfish Parauchenoglanis macrostoma, not really a dwarf with a full grown size of about 8" but much smaller than the normal sized Giraffe catfish Auchenoglanis occidentalis which grows to 18" plus.
There's also the "dwarf croaking gourami" (Trichopsis pumilis) which is even smaller than the dwarf gourami.

Bumblebee gobies aren't really pygmies in name, but they are the smallest gobies out there (that i know of). They usually require brackish water and therefore wouldn't be good with pygmy cories and many other FW fish ... but someone told me there is a FW strain of BBG's ...
I have Bumble bee Gobies in my comunity tank and its not set up as a brackish tank and they seem to be doing fine.

I supose that would also depend on the lfs and what water they keep thier BBG's in they may be already used too freash water?

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