I said I wasn't going to do it

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I took my babysitters goldfish and plecos into the lfs today because she had 4 5" goldfish and 2 6" plecos in a 10G tank. I couldn't bear to see them suffer anymore. Anyway, they love me at this store and they gave me $18 credit for the fish and the food I brought. I looked around but they had no female bettas in so I couldn't get any of those. All my tanks are fully stocked except my 55G, but I am treating it right now for velvet so I couldn't get any fish for it. Of course I wander over and look at their bettas. I hemmed and hawed for a good 20 minutes going should I or shouldn't I? It is hard when you are in a store with a whack of credit and nothing to buy. So I caved and got myself a new boy. He is beautiful. I will post pics once he is acclimated. I ended up getting him, 3 ADF's for my hubby's tank and a silk plant at the lfs. It ended up costing me $2.80. So I went to WM and got a 1G bowl for $4.97.

He isn't very happy right now cause he is in a bag inside the 1G bowl and he can see that there is room but he can't swim in it yet. He is a pinkish purple colour on the body, with white fins that have a purple sheen to them. His head has a white patch on it surrounded by a rust colour. I can't describe him very well, but wow, I love him already. He doesn't have a name yet, but that should come to me in the next couple of days. He looks kinda like Bob, my other pastel male. Thanks for reading my long post. I can't wait to take some pics for everyone to see.
You should feel very good.
You singlehandedly improved the lives of 7 fish today.


Can't wait to see pics!
The goldfish and plecos were originally mine. I gave them to my sitter about 6 months ago in a 110L bucket. She crammed them into a 10g tank and then complained that the water wasn't staying clean. No amount of telling her about cycling, tank size, etc... got through to her. She originally had 6 goldfish, but thankfully 2 have passed on and weren't in misery any more. We couldn't even see the fish to take them out today, that is how bad it was. I actually made a profit off those fish, they cost me $0.35 each last year, and the plecos were $1.99 each. I have just put my new boy in his bowl, he is busy exploring, the plant I got was too big, but I am going to keep it in there for now. Water change day is tomorrow, so I will transfer that plant to my 5G and use the plant in the 5G in the 1G.

These are the best pics I could get. You can really see the purple sheen in the 2nd pic. I am so in love, it isn't funny.



I am going out today to buy a friend her birthday present(at least one betta). I am going to look for females then. They have females at a lfs here for $1.99. The males are the same price.
Thanks guys. I think I will name him Don. I already have a Bob(named after my grandfather). Don is my other grandfather. I need one more I can name Guy which is my other grandfather. All have passed on in the last 2 years, so this is my way of honouring them. I am not sure yet, I don't know what his personality is so maybe this one will be named Guy(pronounced the french way). We will see.
How very nice!
He looks a lot like my charlie! (see my avatar)
Very handsome.
I'm sure your grandfathers are honored :)

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