I recently saw a picture of a reticulated Hillstream, and a Cherry shrimp together...

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I guess I never considered these two together... I don't personally think that would work in my tank... which also had panda garra's in, and larger than reticulated, gold rings in the "sting ray" body style, and some larger "lizard" body style Hillstream's, some of which are pretty aggressive eaters...
but after seeing that, and having a surplus of cherrys, I may try to transfer a dozen to see what happens... has anyone tried cherry shrimp in with Hillstream's????

I also have a small group of Denison barbs in my Hillstream tank, and they may preditate the shrimp???

BTW , my 1st group of Blue shrimp are coming next week.... I have an empty well planted 10 gallon ready for them... the supplier only had 3 left... which is fine, I'll be trying to start a breeding group, so will be looking to purchase from a couple suppliers in an attempt to broaden my gene pool... ( I won't be mixing the reds, and the blues... separate tanks )
What blue shrimp do you have? I ask because I have been overrun by Neocaridina davidi var. Blue Dream for some time. They reproduce like crazy in my well planted 15. AEvery month bring at least 24 to my club meeting to sell at the regular auction we have, I out a few bags into the public auction we do as well. I have the reds as well. I got them from msjinkzd about 15 years ago and the colony has thrived ever since. But they are in a 5.5 gal. and it is well plants and on a shelf 5 feet up a wall. I have only removed shrimp once from there and that was to give them a to a young boy who is the grandson of a club member and into fish an comes to the meetings. He wanted shrimp and I obliged.

So, if what you are wanting are the ones I have, I would be glad to send you some and only need for you to pay the shipping. (PM if interested.) I also have an issue with assassin snails (Anentome helena). I brought 28 to the club auction 2 days ago. I sold 14/bag and said there were at least 1 dozen ;)

Btw- one of our members is a great auctioneer and has done it for many years for an assortment of big events for different clubs in the region. he was at the Pioneer Valley Club in Chicopee MA recently and he said that bags of the blue shrimp sold for as much a $75. That is insane.

Btw, I was never an big fan of inverts. I got Amano shrimp for algae in planted tanks. I got the red cherry to make piece with msjinkz as I used to kid her that for my fish shrimp were food. I had them in the 5.5 for many years with a few small fish. As the fish got replaced the shrimp thrived. I think the last fish in there recently may have died, but the shrimp are still thriving.

I got the blues because a friend on CA needed to rehome some shrimp and fish and I took them. I got orange fin danos and white clouds along with about 10 blue shrimp. I subsequently added 5 or 6 more I got at one of the monthly club auctions last year.

Hillstreams are supposedly shrimp safe, can't hurt to try.

Your other fish on the other hand are the wild cards
well I added a half dozen cherries to the Hillstream tank... for sure the kissing groumi and the flying foxes have no interest... but I think the Denison's are hunting them, but I can clearly see a large one on the stick, and one of the bigger Denison's only made a half heart poke at it, and it swam away... I'll give them a few days, and see if I can find them in the tank again
I had a 75 gal. tank full of redlines for about 4 months pending most of them being sold at an event. I had all sized amanos in the tank and I never saw the barbs bother them. My barbs now live with my clown loaches and they would love shrimp for dinner for sure.

I also know bn will not bother them either.

I tried to introduce cherry shrimp to my 55g "river-ish" tank. I've never seen them again. I don't know if they were eaten or didn't like my soft water...Or maybe they're still in there? There are a ton of plants. I don't think my sewellia ate them, maybe my stiphodon gobies? I don't think they could eat adult shrimp.
I just spent 10 minutes looking, and didn't see any... doesn't mean they aren't in the 3 inch stones, getting ready for darkness... their breeder tank, and this one are on the same time schedule, and they only have 15 more minutes, before a pretty rapid decrease in light... but one of the bigger Denison's looked to be hunting them, though I didn't witness any getting caught

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