I really think that Bacter AE is good for new, and possibly emaciated fish… I figure, it can't hurt

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Magnum Man

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Jun 21, 2023
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Southern MN
I’ve added it to the tanks, that both the the new Zebra Oto’s, and the new African Diamond Tetras, are in, along with the tanks that house all my other biofilm eaters… I just came home from being out of town for a day and a half, Zebras still looking good, and the Diamonds are actually looking better, than the pictures earlier, with the smallest one, making the biggest improvement… doesn’t mean it’s out of the woods by any means… I fed them a good batch of gut loaded frozen brine shrimp, before I left… best I can do, until the wormer gets here late next week… it’s not a miracle, but they survived 2 days without me… will get a mixed diet tonight, with the addition of some more frozen brine shrimp
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TBH I also dose bacter AE to a tank where I have otos, and I also use it to supplement grazers. I mean I have not read anywhere it is a good fish food, but agreed, cant hurt. Same as repashy, sometimes I will sprinkle the powder in the tank instead of making a gel. If you wont overdo it, why not

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