I really need tome help


Fish Crazy
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
Warrington, Cheshire
I have 4 assorted platys in a 19 gallon tank

One of these will not more at all from his same position in the tank, unless he is going to feed, then he returns to exactly the same point

He shares the tank with 3 other platys, 6 neon tetras and a very docile betta

Water temperature is 27 degrees, PH is 7.0, amonia, nitrates and nitrites are all zero, all other parameters are fine, but I just cannot get him to move and it appears that is is completely lethargic

What can I do to make him more active. Help!!!!!
Do you use salt in your aquarium? platys benefit greatly from salt in their home.
platys do fine in salt but neon tetras are scaless they cannot stand salt it will kill them take the platy out ond give him a salt bath see if that helps anyone here will tell you not to use salt on scaless fish the salt will burn them
How do I do a salt bath, I only have the one tank, unless I wash out my old plastic mouse cage. How much salt per litre/gallon.

Two platys are still fairly active, so I wonder if this is the problem, also how often do I salt bath, this seems drastic. No books specifically for platies mention salt water

Could water hardness be a problem. Does anyone know what the hardness should be, as these fish are beautiful but are almost motionless. Anything else, I will be extremely greatful
it is a teaspoon per gallon take him out of your tank and add a cup of your tank water so it wont shock him or if it is time to do a water change use the old water just leave him in it for 20 minutes or so it should perk him right up.make sure it is the same temp. and ph level you dont want to shock him.
How often am I going to need to do this, as this could prove quite stressful for the fish? I don't mind at all, but it is going to be time consuming in the long run
My neighbors had some platys and the had little gold looking spots on them, they were almost the color of the platys thier platys would only stay in one spot like that this is the reason I asked I dont want to worry you or anything but check them good for that what color are they you could tell mostly on thier little bellys just check them to make sure that they are ok and not just stressed out a little.
A couple of points,
1) shouldn't there be a small amount of nitrates present in the water???
2) use sea salt from the supermarket, just make sure it's pure salt without anything else in it.
3) time consuming?? If 10 minutes is what you call time consuming God help you.

Okay, the fish should no longer be stressed out as the nipping danios are now replaced by neon tetras.

I know that 10 minutes isn't a lot, that is not my point, but as I work nearly 50 hours a week before any other responsibilities, everything can be a rush, not to mention trying to run a household, qualify for a degree amongst other things. Besides, I was not sure how long it would take, which is why I asked

How frequently should I give a salt bath
If you work and dont have much time then I would trade the neons for another fish that can stand the salt then you wouldnt have to worry about it much I know every one has other things to do besides take care of fish which we all do if it was me I would get some guppies or mabey a couple of female mollies that way you wouldnt have all those babies to worry about, those are the only two fish I can think of that need the salt besides the puffer and he is very mean to other fish or mabey a sword tail those fish are livebearers I may be wrong but based on what I have read the fish that has babies need a little salt.

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