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Fish Fanatic
Oct 27, 2004
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Does anyone know any sites made especially for the care of marble hatchet fish cause look really interesting and Im not sure if anyone here owns them.
i have marbled hatchetfish. love 'em. they really like fast moving currents. mine spend most of the day in front of the filter. they can also be jumpers, so keep a lid on . they are quite peaceful. mine will eat flake, bloodworms, brineshrimp. they are a schooling fish so groups of 5-6 or more is best. they only get around 1-2 inches.

here's a so-so profile on them: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...cfm?pCatId=1027
I don't have hatchets at the moment but have kept them. They are quite easily stressed and take to the air at the slightest disturbance, so as MAM says, a good cover is essential. They won't really follow food down if it is sinking, always preferring to take it from the surface or first couple of cm. Live mosquito larvae are a favourite.

I know of people breeding them, but I never have.

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