Goldfish Bowl: We love bowser. Your pics are good enough for us to love your fish.

If you really want to learn some photo tricks, visit the photo forum and they'll help you. Actually Lips is a natural. He loves to pose. Some of my other Synirr boys are just "Soooo Busy," as you will see, if you hang in with me. (I hope I finish this project.)
Synirr, I love Lips. He's a natural and distinctive. The boys are all doing well, but the girls are struggling.
Not all the boys are well defined to have their names. I just got the last two out of their bowls into filterable tanks, but haven't figured out the filters yet.
So who's next? Ah! Rudy Valentino! He is my first Synirr Boy from the same spawn as Lips, but he came last summer to live. Lips and his fellows came about Christmas.
Rudy is the lover with his sister in my signature photo (the submissive one, I think.) He was just a baby then.
Meet Rudy Valentino
Rudy is never still
Unless he is resting with his cory mates in the lighthouse cave
There is time, perhaps, so I will try to upload pics of the Tetra Tank Boy
He has been in this 100 usg community tank for most of the month and appears to like it.
I just added a sxhool of adult Emperors, and they have checked each other out. At first I was worried about he and Flash (the Orange Flash cockatoo from Apisto Dave), who is sure he owns the tank.
But this boy would rather fight with his reflection.