I Never Had A Female Do This?


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2005
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A pedestrain paradise where the catwalk got it's c
Well I have a ten gallon. With 1 keyhole and gouramie. The keyhole was alone for a while cause his mate died so i dicided to restock the tank cause he was acting really moppy. So I added the Gouramie and they are wxtremely comfortable now with eachother. So today I got a female betta to complet the tank and i added her but she is acting really scared. I watched the whole time and the keyhole would just swim up to her and lose intrest and the gourmie just kept touching her with his feelers. Not at the same time. But she went crazy. And I know the keyhole wont harm her as I had him with female bettas before and the gouramie is the same size as her and is also really docile. You think I should take her out? Even though that will cause even more stress. And I would have to return her. Or should i just wait till shes comfortable and see? She is hiding and the others arent bothering her. I am kinda scared cause she has not come for air in a while and she is just on the gravel breathing heavily. idk what do u think?
If she is not being hurt or chased, I would just give her a few days and see how it is. Perhaps add a hiding spot for her, like a sunken mug or something for her to feel safe in. If she is still eating, she is probably ok, sometimes they are extra sensitive to others being in their space. I have some females that are cool with other tankmates and some that are not. Only time will tell, it is nice that you are keeping an eye on it I'd just stick withit for a little while.
hi. does she have dark horizontal stripes on her body? If she does, it means she's stressed out. I have found this usually happens if I move females into new tanks, even if they're alone in the new tanks. They go away eventually when she gets used to her surroundings. If I were you, I would leave her in as long as she's not being picked on at all.

Keep us updated.

No she doesn't have the stripes on her. Well today she hasn't acted so scidish but I haven't seen her eat and she is like acting like shes about to die. idk y. I went to walmart today where i got her and there were no females left! I think they all died. There were about 10 and they all looked really young. Yeah i think they just come sick like that cause she has been going downhill. Ill tell u guys tommorow if she makes it through the night.
That happened to me last week....with one of my females from walmart. I brought 4 home and set them up in a 10 gallon.They all got along great for a couple weeks.Then I noticed them all starting to pick on her..I ended up removing her..The next morning she was dead. I ended up dividing the 10 gallon now...They each have there own space..
The reason why it seemed that wal marts bettas were gone so soon is because they order to many and when they don't sell they toss them. I didn't think gouramis and bettas were comptible because the gourmai would be to aggressive. Most wal mart fish aren't healthy whether it be poor water quality or mixed with the wrong fish or they let dead fish set in the tanks and it pollutes the tank. The reason why your female died is probably because she was stressed with the other fish bothering her.
:( I'm sorry she died. She could've died from a number of diseases that pet store fish often carry, I doubt that she died from stress alone. Next time, definitely consider quarentining whatever fish you buy from W*M... that way, it won't spread to her tankmates.

Also, IMHO, if you're going to put fourth the effort of spawning - GET A PAIR FROM A BREEDER!!! I promise it's absolutely worth it! You get a Betta that you know is healthy, young, breedable, and you know their lineage.
Yeah i would love to have a pair from a breeder. I will look ito that in my area. Mainly the only reason i got it from wm is there the only place that has females all the time. But yeah there un healthy. At least that one was. But u guys should have seen how buetiful she was. The Petco right next door has the most gorgeuse CT males that I was thinking of just keeping my eyes on those untill i find a nice one cause there all healthy there. They got pretty good fish care.

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