I Need Your Tips!


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Warrington UK
i need your tips and expertise!!

1.kogen is being a bit fussy eating, he's only eating frozen(not freeze dried) brine shrimp and only if i put it right infront of his face..any tips.

2.im coming upto his first water change, how do you all change their water without stressing them out..my tank has a filter so it doesnt need to be a massive one. do i need to take him out?

sorry for all the questions, but please take a minute to help out a fellow betta lover :)


Sounds like the little guy is spoild :D maybe completely remove freeze dried shrimp from his diet as it messes with their guts, and buy him some pellets, i think he knows that if he turns down the dried goodies that you'll eventually show up with the frozen foods :D just go cold turkey on the frozen shrimp and starte him on pellets, he'll take to them eventually.

Water changes wont stress him out much unless its a massive load, and as u have said you wont have to change much, maybe about 25% a week in your tank. Just take out water and fill it back up, he'll do just fine. *make sure he is far away from your suction hose, iv had a betta attack the end of one once when i wasn't looking and i ened up loseing her :( *

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