I Need Some Help :/ Kinda New To Marine And Lost!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2007
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Ask for bigger pictures and i will upload the same but bigger.

Well i have started up 155l marine tank:

Osaka 155
155L curved glass aquarium set
Aquarium Dimensions:
W 61cm x D 46cm x H 61cm
Cabinet Dimensions:
W 72cm x D 48cm x H 70cm

Complete with:
• Fluval 205 External Filter
• Fluval Tronic Heater 200W
• Life-Glo & Power-Glo T5HO Bulbs
• Nutrafin Max Tropical Flake Food
• Nutrafin Aquaplus & Cycle
• Care Guide
• LCD Thermometer

Anyway, i have just under 14KG of live rock inside, i started to see like parasites on the glass (little white things moving) and green hair (I think i know what that is :rolleyes:), Also some white balls and yellow things? i have tryed and draw you a picture but its not very good. but wanted to know what they are. can anyone help?


So the other day i got myself 3 crabs and 2 snails as my LSP told me my water was fine!(did something right) i have no clue what i have brought really, as one of the snails (snail1) went under my sand/rock the second it hit the bed then sticks out a inch long thingy? and the other snail(snail2) has like a long nose/mouth tongue. i have no clue what they both are i just asked for one of each and hoped to remember the names :blush:
No picture of snail1 as you only see about an inch of his....? thing.

The 3 crabs i have are bright red and there shells look like live rock (i think they are live rock shells)

Odd things i need hope with, ill just upload the pictures so that you can see what they are.
Its white but has been creamy/brown ish, same as the middle but all over.
Not a clue but seen it move :blink:
Think Coco worms
A shell, will it open?

All picture are taken from a 3 year old 2 megapixel camera (sony ericsson k750i)
If i have missed anyhing i will add it on after it reads Eigdoog.
Many Thanks for Reading
Eigdoog :good:
The things on the glass would be hydroids, algae and maybe sponges or copepods.

You have red leg hermit crabs

If the 'snails' are conches that could be their eye/head thing

White thing is either a sponge or encrusting coral, need a better pic
Second is another small coral
Third is veritid worms
Last, depends if theres anything live in the shell or not, normally there dead....
Cuticom's got the right idea on most of those I think. We'll need better pics of the snails to ID them. Try hosting on a site like photobucket.com and linking them here, you can get pics up to 1024x768 that way for much better detail :)
well i can make every pic bigger just i did not want to slow other computers up as i thought there would be alot of pics... here you go.

Its not that im carless its the fact that my lfs just tell me things so fast and i dont want to sound dumb and keep saying "what?" or "can you put there names on the bag" :blush:




Like i said you cant see the other one. and i saw that thing, its just a long like mouth you can see it open at the end and kinda lick the glass.

Looks like some type of Conch for the snail

The white thing is a sponge or tunicate of some sort

And the last is a coralimorph anemone, OR a bleached out "mushroom"

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