Fish Fanatic
Ask for bigger pictures and i will upload the same but bigger.
Well i have started up 155l marine tank:
Osaka 155
155L curved glass aquarium set
Aquarium Dimensions:
W 61cm x D 46cm x H 61cm
Cabinet Dimensions:
W 72cm x D 48cm x H 70cm
Complete with:
• Fluval 205 External Filter
• Fluval Tronic Heater 200W
• Life-Glo & Power-Glo T5HO Bulbs
• Nutrafin Max Tropical Flake Food
• Nutrafin Aquaplus & Cycle
• Care Guide
• LCD Thermometer
Anyway, i have just under 14KG of live rock inside, i started to see like parasites on the glass (little white things moving) and green hair (I think i know what that is ), Also some white balls and yellow things? i have tryed and draw you a picture but its not very good. but wanted to know what they are. can anyone help?
So the other day i got myself 3 crabs and 2 snails as my LSP told me my water was fine!(did something right) i have no clue what i have brought really, as one of the snails (snail1) went under my sand/rock the second it hit the bed then sticks out a inch long thingy? and the other snail(snail2) has like a long nose/mouth tongue. i have no clue what they both are i just asked for one of each and hoped to remember the names
No picture of snail1 as you only see about an inch of his....? thing.
The 3 crabs i have are bright red and there shells look like live rock (i think they are live rock shells)
Odd things i need hope with, ill just upload the pictures so that you can see what they are.
Its white but has been creamy/brown ish, same as the middle but all over.
Not a clue but seen it move
Think Coco worms
A shell, will it open?
All picture are taken from a 3 year old 2 megapixel camera (sony ericsson k750i)
If i have missed anyhing i will add it on after it reads Eigdoog.
Many Thanks for Reading
Ask for bigger pictures and i will upload the same but bigger.
Well i have started up 155l marine tank:
Osaka 155
155L curved glass aquarium set
Aquarium Dimensions:
W 61cm x D 46cm x H 61cm
Cabinet Dimensions:
W 72cm x D 48cm x H 70cm
Complete with:
• Fluval 205 External Filter
• Fluval Tronic Heater 200W
• Life-Glo & Power-Glo T5HO Bulbs
• Nutrafin Max Tropical Flake Food
• Nutrafin Aquaplus & Cycle
• Care Guide
• LCD Thermometer
Anyway, i have just under 14KG of live rock inside, i started to see like parasites on the glass (little white things moving) and green hair (I think i know what that is ), Also some white balls and yellow things? i have tryed and draw you a picture but its not very good. but wanted to know what they are. can anyone help?
So the other day i got myself 3 crabs and 2 snails as my LSP told me my water was fine!(did something right) i have no clue what i have brought really, as one of the snails (snail1) went under my sand/rock the second it hit the bed then sticks out a inch long thingy? and the other snail(snail2) has like a long nose/mouth tongue. i have no clue what they both are i just asked for one of each and hoped to remember the names
No picture of snail1 as you only see about an inch of his....? thing.
The 3 crabs i have are bright red and there shells look like live rock (i think they are live rock shells)
Odd things i need hope with, ill just upload the pictures so that you can see what they are.
All picture are taken from a 3 year old 2 megapixel camera (sony ericsson k750i)
If i have missed anyhing i will add it on after it reads Eigdoog.
Many Thanks for Reading