I need some advice on Angelfish compatability


New Member
Mar 14, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon long aquarium with zebra danios, head and tail light tetras, and 2 (3rd one died yesterday :-( ) clown loaches. I am looking to get some Angel fish, but I'm not sure if they will get along with my zebra danios. The zebras like to nip on fish with long fins (had to take my betta out because of it) and Angelfish have pretty long fins. Would the fin nippers be a problem for the angelfish?
I appreciate any comments! Thanks!
I would remove the danios and replace them with other shoaling fish, like the harlequin rasboras. The zebra danios swim quickly and dart alot, which makes the clown loaches nervous. To the loaches, a fish that darts is trying to escape from danger, therefore, you will see the loaches hide more often. Mine hid alot when I had my danios. After removing them and adding more harlequin rasboras, the loaches were out and about more.
As well as having a problem with Dianios, you may also have a problem with the Angels. Angels eat smaller species of Tetras naturally in the wild and believe me they do in captivity to. My female Angel has tried to eat anything smaller than 2". So I would advise you to buy small Angels and watch them grow, if there starts to be any problems then you may have to move some fish.

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