So much happens in a day...
I was trying everything with poor Bruiser...Betta pellets, frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, freeze dried everything...flakes (I took anything out after a few would have been a mess if I didn't). I would put it right in front of him, and he had no interest in it. He never had anything to eat while I had him. I'm sorry to say, I lost Bruiser.
He started to get a sort of fungus on him, and he was dead about an hour later. I just don't know what happened with Bruiser.
However, Menlow (the pink/purple betta) was doing great...eating, greeting me...reminded me more of Oscar. And he loved seeing his reflection in the mirror so he could show off. Anywho, I decide to GET MY MONEY BACK on Bruiser (please note that I had every intention on doing this...NOT getting another betta
). But what can I must have been fate. They had LITERALLY just gotten in new bettas and were putting them in their teenty, tiny cups...when she poured Dogma out. He is the single most beautiful betta ever (don't tell Melow though lol). He kidding...BLACK. Yes black...and he has these little flecs of dark aqua-marine on his back, and these teal and white streaks on the bottom fourth of his enormous fins. The lady warned me there is a good change he might not make it with all of the stress though...but I don't care...he's wonderful. and he seems to be doing fine...Dogma and Melow flare at eat and stare at me....blow bubbles.
So, these are the very last two bettas I will have...unless I find a yellow one. lol