I Need Lp Identing Tadole Morfing Before I Ill Him...

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Feb 19, 2011
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Just before Christmas we bought a tadpole from meijer, they recived him by accident so could not tell me what kind of frog he will turn into. Here we are almost 2 months later and he started morphing about 2 weeks ago he started growing back legs, then this morning my husband notices he is getting front legs, I just checked yesterday morning and he had no front legs from what I could tell. Can anyone help me figure out what kind of frog this is, from what I have read you can drown a tadpole if it is not a water frog. We have him in our gold fish tank and I need know if I need to get him his own tank if he needs to get up out of the water. He is about 2 inches long, green with dark spots on his body including the top and bottom of his tale and light colored belly. I have been taking pictures at every step if someone can tell me how to post them here. thanks for any help I can get.
My avatar picture is when we first got him and in my profile is a picture right after his back legs started growing.
possibly a bull frog?

if you go to a frog dedicated forum I frequent, those people will point you in the right direction and will tell you exactly what kind of setup you need.

in the future, it may be best to know what you are buying and research it ahead of time to save yourself and the tadpole a lot of stress!!!

I will PM you the link - i have been given permission by the moderators in the past to give this link out in these type of situations -
for the tadpoles sake, we really need to identify what species you have as soon as possible.

ok you have too few posts to be able to message -- www . ********* . net - once you have the link let me know by posting on here so I can delete the link from the posting.

edited to remove link!
ThanksI got the link. We bought it on impulse meijer accidently got it in with there feeder fish. So nobody there knew how to identify it, and he was 19 cents and I thought wouldmake a good lesson for my kids. I have been trying to research and figure out what he is since we got him with no luck, but from what I have read a bull frog takes up to 3 years to morph. 1 summer he would get back leg and the next he would get his front legs. This guy has gon from being legless to having back and front legs in jus over 2 weeks. I will go to the other place and see if they can be of any help thanks!
Please get back to us so we all can know what he is, and more info about him!
they are really helpful - once you register you can post it in the beginners/introduction area - there it will probably get the fastest response to point you in the right direction of which sub group to post to for tons of frog info!

you say you have him right now in with your goldfish - chances are he is going to need his own tank, most likely 20+ gallons

you may want to start planning on another tank because he will not be able to stay with the fish.

Let us see lots of pictures when you get the chance- we need more froggy people on this forum and its great to get someone with a new species!
How do I post pics here other then in my profile? we have had water frogs that we kept in our tank, which is a 30 gallon fully filtered tank. until my heater went out while we were out of town which killed everything but my gold fish.
you upload the pictures to photobucket.com and then post the image links on here.

And for a 30 gallon - this is acceptable for about 2 goldfish.

What "water frogs" did you have before - african dwarf frogs or african clawed frogs? Dwarf should not be kept with large fish such as goldfish for the risk of being eaten, and you would be WAY over stocked having clawed frogs with goldfish - also clawed frogs should not be kept with any species of fish unless you are experience with clawed frogs because they are voracious eaters. I am sorry, but again it comes to researching before buying - - I would not buy anymore species of frogs with out researching - most cannot be kept with fish, and those that can be kept with fish can only be kept with certain types of fish and only under certain tank conditions.
2 gold fish in my tank seems crazy.. the tank is 30x19x12. WxHxD We got the old frogs from mijer they were in with fish when we bought them and were listed as community, and I had them for over 2 years along with theese 4 gold fish, a red tailed shark, and a siver(I think) cat fish. the frogs were only about an inch long but my gold fish were much smaller then. and they have never bothered the tadpole and he has been in the tank with them for 2 months now.
Unfortunately its not crazy and you were way overstocked to be honest.

The guide for goldfish is:
* fancy (double tailed) goldfish - 20 gallons for the first and 10 gallons for each additional goldfish
*Commons/comets (single tailed) goldfish is 30 gallons for the first and 10 gallons for each additional goldfish.
This is based of the fish's adult size and waste output.
Dwarf frogs are not suitable tank mates at all and it was only luck that kept them alive that long.

Redtail sharks should be in at least a 45 gallon tank
These are territorial species and grow to significant size.

Most species of "catfish " would grow too large for your tank.
12" is not uncommon and nor even the largest - a lot of species grow to 18" and larger.

Unfortunately pet stores lie about needs of fish because they want you to spend money
I am telling you these things for the well-being of the live animals you have chosen to take care of - I make no money off you.

Look at care sheets etc. - there is a ton of information online. Research before you buy - its the same message on any forum.

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