I Need Info On Cories


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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How long do they live?
How big or old do they have to be to tell their gender?
How big do they get?
Can you breed different types of corys with each other?

If the answers to these questions are different for different types of cories I have an Albino, Bronze, and a Peppered.
As for age, i knew a guy who had a bronze cory that was 11yrs old and if you treat you fish well im sure all of your corys will live to around about that age although most probably only live to 8-9yrs.
Albino corys and bronze corys, the females grow to about 3inchs and the males to about 2inchs+ although im not sure about peppered corys i think the females grow to about 2 and a half inchs and and the males 1-2inchs.
Female corys grow larger than the males and are more robust looking and less stream lined than the males due to having to carry loads of eggs in them.
Hi ScoutCarcer :)

If it turns out that one of your bronze and albino corys is male and the other female, they could breed together. This would be fine because they are the same species of fish, just different colors. The peppered cory is a different species and cannot breed with either of them. :D

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