I Need Help!


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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O dear, I think I have an illness! when ever I spot a pretty Betta I cant help myself and end up buying it.. Today I went to my LFS to buy a new male Golden Ram, as you do I was looking at the other fish that were in stock and stumbled over a great looking Betta, even better he was for sale for £5 so he is now at home happily swimming round in my community tank.

Here he is eyeing up my BN Plec;


O and the Gold Ram :lol:



I must not buy anymore :crazy:
Where do you find these beautiful bettas!!!!! :hyper:
Where do you find these beautiful bettas!!!!! :hyper:

This one was from my local Maidenhead Aquatics!! I am used to paying over the odds for decent Betta's at the moment :fun: so when I see a good one for a fiver I cant help it :lol:
i went to my lfs today to get another cory, but bought a crowntail betta instead :rolleyes:
i went to my lfs today to get another cory, but bought a crowntail betta instead :rolleyes:

Corry's are another story! they had Neon Orange Corry's for £30 each (3 for £70) :crazy: and Black Corry's for £20 each :crazy:
Hey. Knock it off. Stop buying fish every time you wander into a shop.

Was that strong enough Livewire88?
oldman47 is right too much fish too much ammonia a lot of work I used to be like that until i got my water and electricity bill :no: -_-
I wish my MA had bettas like that - I've only ever spotted your 'standard petstore' VT and CTs. But then again, how many bettas would I have ended up with by now...?:lol:

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