I Need Help With My Breeding Angels....


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi my 2 koi angels spawned just over half an hour ago on my filter, i thought that they would guard their eggs from others, but no :crazy: when i looked in the tank just now they were all gone, they may of eaten them because they were not fertile?, or other fish may have had them?.

ive been watching them for about 10minutes and they are still acting weird, they are staying close to each other and cleaning the side of the glass, and the female is rubbing her belly onto the glass, do you think they will spawn again after just laying over 100 eggs??

thanks :good:
yeah mine ate their first 2-3 spawns and over time the get a bit further. They now look after the eggs till there tails come out of the eggs and then eat them. I hope they raise them all the way one day.
yeah mine ate their first 2-3 spawns and over time the get a bit further. They now look after the eggs till there tails come out of the eggs and then eat them. I hope they raise them all the way one day.

i love a good dry humour. that was funny
Getting angels to parent raise in a community tank is almost unheard of. Try moving them to their own tank.

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