
New Member
Jan 8, 2019
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So I have a 10 gallon Betta tank and I just bred Bettas but my timing was sooo wrong. My tank isn’t fully cycled right now I have 1.0 ammonia level and Betta fry that hatched yesterday. I have never successfully done this and I don’t know what or how to feed them and to make matters worse I’m leaving for myrtle on Saturday and someone else is watching my fish. Please help. I have a bribe shrimp hatchery but I’ve heard you can’t feed brine shrimp until day three of being free swimming.i also don’t have a filter in because of the breeding process and I’m scared that if I put the filter in the current with break the nest.

* What should I feed
* How do I feed
* Can I put a filter in
* What should I do about ammonia
* How should I teach the person watching my fish
* When do I take the dad out
* And where can I get the food
Please help thank you all
Ok...this is overwhelming but ill try ok? I have never had experience either. Here is what they should eat:
What do baby betta fry eat?
For the first three days after becoming free-swimming the fry will need very miniscule foods. Infusoria and tiny free-living nematodes like Vinegar Eels, Microworms, Banana Worms, and Walter Worms make great first foods. After 3 days they will be large enough to also start feeding on baby brine shrimp.
To feed your betta, use a little pipette to gently pump the food in the water. IF it sinks, its fine..they will get it out.
Use a sponge filter!
Use some seachem stability to stabilize, but on your side, it takes about a week to remove, and it will convert to nitrite and nitrates, so water changes are needed after that
Just teach 'em whatever I told you, honestly, its your fish so idk what you should do?
There isn't telling when to take the dad out..take him out if he shows aggression. Some dads will be nice and gentle until a long time..if you have a big tank and lots of foliage and ornaments for them to hide in, then it will be A BIT safer to leave the dad in there
These foods aren't easy to get...search online an you will know!
Thank you so much I also have a full cycled planted 20 gallon fry tank when they are free swimming would it be smart to put them in a mesh breeder in my 20 gallon so that they aren’t hurt by the ammonia and toxic water cycle.
Don't put them in a mesh breeding box. It limits space too. Also remember to take out the fry and separate them once they are old enough. Each in a minimum of 2.65 gallons. Yes I mean 2.65
Ok i have some fry in there that are livebearers and many other that may be big enough to eat the fry but not big enough to be moved into my 40 gallon is it ok for a week while I’m in myrtle and then release them when I’m ready or will this hurt the fish
Ok what should because I can’t keep them in my 10 gallon that has ammonia would it be smart to get a 30 gallon cycle it and put them in when I get back. The question is what should I do with them while in myrtle
Wait I may have something hear me out I have a fully cycled ten gallon in which I’m breeding two kribs should I take the kribs out for this week find a home for them in one of my other tanks and put them in there
Sure...just make sure that you don't disturb the kribs while the breeding happens.

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