I Need Help ASAP


New Member
Jun 19, 2004
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I had a couple of questions and was hoping you guys could help.

1. My well water goes through a water softener which uses salt, Is it ok to use this water in my fresh water tank? I have "Start Right" water conditioner which is supposed to make the water safe for fish

2. What is a good chemical to use to clean my empty tank that will not leave a harmful residue?

3. I have a 46 gallon tank, The local pet store said that since i was using Marineland Penguin 330 W/Dual Bio Wheels] that there was really no need for me to use aeration because the Bio wheels on my filter would serv the purpose. Is this true?

4. Is the marineland penguin 330 filter a good filter? the local pet store said it was one of the best?
1. I wouldn't, especially if keeping loaches or catfish which are sensitive to the dissolved ions. I have a water softener and decided not to risk it. If you have a water softener, you should also have a drinking tap, I'd use that. I expect Start Right is a dechlorinator and neutralises only harmful chlorine and chloramine.

2. Why do you need to clean the tank? You can use a strong salt solution or bleach. You MUST rinse with loads of water to make sure no residues are left.

3. Yes, as long as your tank isn't heavily overstocked.

4. Not sure.

thanks for your advice! i needed to clean the tank due to my wife getting some of the pH testing solution in the tank. :eek: I agree with you the more i think about it, i would feel alot safer bringing my hard & lightly rust well water up to par because with us being total ignorant when it comes to fish i think we have bought about every water treatment and test kit available (i guess we'll use all of it at some point). I actually used well water before the test kit solution problem, I noticed that my water got slightly brown on the 3rd day and kinda started to clear up by the 5th. Also my filter has 2 media baskets, Im asuming this is some type of charcoal that helps filter the water? if not, what does go there? and what is a good brand to get? Thanks again for your reply!
I think bleach is OK as long as you are sure that no residue is left because bleach left on the tank will kill fish.

Secondly, I don't know about the well water, but if you drink it, then the fish should be fine with it (add your water conditioner too).

As for the filter, is it internal or external? I have an internal one and I am not very familiar with the different kinds. I think you get to choose which media you have in there. Not sure about this one though. :/

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