I Need Any Info You Can Offer On...


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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i seen them at my local store and fell in love. unfortunatly the worker there couldn't answer all my questions, meanwhile this is a good store it's just a new employee and its the first time they have had parrot fish there. so i'm turning to you guys.

i want to know for example, approx how big they grow? possible tank mates? are they aggressive? what they eat? and any other info you could think of

pics would be welcome

please leave a note to help me i want to know if i can get one .

P.S. i'm not a novice fish keeper, i knnow all about water parameters, setting up new tanks, cycling etc.. i only need to know about the fish itself. (i don;t mean to sound rude but expirence posting has taught me to write this down or people get a bit mad about people getting them selves into a hobby they know nothing about just because they see a nice fish in the store)

thanks for any help offered :good:
Hiya, parrots are a hybrid, they can get to about 6-8 inches. You need to be careful as the trade in dyed parrots is rife so try and look out for dodgy colourings, if your suspiscious then don't by it.

They're a little agressive, don't put them in a community tank, but in with some largeish cichlids or something similar would probably be best. But also due to the shape of they're mouth's they can't defend themselves that well so don't put them in with anything too agressive either.

Mine will eat pretty much anything, he's in with an Oscar a firemouth and a couple of plecs in a big tank, so there's a mix of cichlid pellets, live and frozen food goes into the tank all of which he'll happily munch on.

Well the first question that should be asked before we go and answer all these questions(miss wiggle lol) is, is it jellybean parrots like miss wiggles avatar or is it parrot cichilids?
'Parrot fish' are hybrids as said, as are 'jellybean parrots'. Miss Wiggles is a 'parrot fish'. The ture parrot cichlids are very rare and are no the same as 'parrot fish'.
i have one myself, it is a beauty and i love its character, but i will have to get rid of it soon. I have it in a very unfair 10 gallon tank, it is quite small, both the tank and the parrot. But it has grown to much and it is continually stressed, so be shure to buy a nicely sized tank! They eat pretty much everything, mine is fed flakes, dried shrimp, and goldfish pellets, which he loves. Dont be worried about blacish coloration on the fins; it is a "sickness" that these fish have. When their fins get a blackish coloration, it means that they were recently stressed, and the blackness will disapear over time.
Parrots personalities vary from fish to fish. My first parrot was aggresive and once bit me (and drew blood!) but the three i have at the moment are fairly timid. My newest parrot was bullied in the shop but gets on well with the others. HTH :)
'Parrot fish' are hybrids as said, as are 'jellybean parrots'. Miss Wiggles is a 'parrot fish'. The ture parrot cichlids are very rare and are no the same as 'parrot fish'.
Really, Parrot cichilids are rare. My lfs has some right now, and they've got parrot fish.
yea they have the real parrot cichilids, they are really young now and small but you can tell the difference between the parrot fish and them. Very aggressive little buggers though, always fighting with each other.
the true parrot cichlids aren't that rare, just a bit harder to get hold of compared to the blood parots.
thats what I was thinking because my lfs doesnt usually have rare stuff.
checked it out today and they are the hybrid version. they look so beautiful. the color would look great in my 55 gal.

currently i have 1 red tailed black shark (over 4 years old) and 3 fish i rescued from a friend they are either blue Acara's or Jack dempseys( the friend bought them at walmart as oscars but they are definatly not oscars judging by pics and fish at a good store they are one of the above mentioned) anyway either way they are really gentle and calm fish. i know the size thing may be a problem but a new tank is on the way at my new house and it is over 200 gal so size is not an issue

i want a parrot fish, can it go in this tank with the 4 other fish right now or not?? the store dosn't normally get them in so chances of me getting one (and only one due to price) later are slim. one worker at the store has been there for 15 years and never seen these type before.
Sounds like you can... parrots should get along alright with jds/gts or whatever you might have..

If you have any pics of them I'm sure someone can identify them..
wow parrots must be really uncommon in the UK
here in the US, they have them in almost every store :p even the really crappy ones
and i heard they cost a lot over there too -_-
i guess its where you guys are located since the fishes come from asia
wow parrots must be really uncommon in the UK
here in the US, they have them in almost every store :p even the really crappy ones
and i heard they cost a lot over there too -_-
i guess its where you guys are located since the fishes come from asia

Nah they are very common over here althought theres a lot of dyed ones.

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