I need an ID


New Member
Feb 13, 2004
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Torrance, CA
I bought a 30 dollar fish that's about 4 in long and grows to about 9in. The store called it a Gold Tiger Danoid but when I try to search for it on the web, it's like there's no such thing. It's got a pointy nose, body is a shape of an oscar, its top fin are shaped like spikes, and the body color's gold with black stripes. If someone can tell me wat the real name of this species is, I'd really appreciate it. Post some pictures of what you mite think it is. And then I'll tell u if that's the correct fish. Thanks for your help.
hey you guys are both rite. so they're datnoids not danoids....LOL. thanks for the help. so wat are these guys like? what's their favorite foods, temps, etc.
they like to eat other fish , anything they can get in thier mouths , also salt in the water [brackish , but hard water with salt in it should work].If you keep it in fresh water it maybe o.k. , but if it starts to look bad and is sluggish add salt a little at a time , you don't want to shock it . They get real big. I saw one about 15 " long and it wasnot done growing yet . I thought about getting one a long time ago , but they just get to big for me . good luck ! Do you quarrentine your new fish ?
Not all Datnioides need salt in the water, at least one species Coius microlepis (formerly Datnioides microplepis) is a true freshwater fish. They are heavy duty predators that need to be fed on large meaty foods, i feed my 6" tiger dat on frozen mussels, cockles, shrimp and lance fish plus the occasional earthworm. They can reach sizes of up to 15" but 10" is a more likely size in a aquarium, they are reasonably peaceful and can be kept with fish of the same size, smaller fish will be eaten, they do not fare well with aggressive fish like central american cichlids as they are easily bullied.
CFC said:
Not all Datnioides need salt in the water, at least one species Coius microlepis (formerly Datnioides microplepis) is a true freshwater fish. They are heavy duty predators that need to be fed on large meaty foods, i feed my 6" tiger dat on frozen mussels, cockles, shrimp and lance fish plus the occasional earthworm. They can reach sizes of up to 15" but 10" is a more likely size in a aquarium, they are reasonably peaceful and can be kept with fish of the same size, smaller fish will be eaten, they do not fare well with aggressive fish like central american cichlids as they are easily bullied.
hmmm...yeah i've noticed that it gets bullied by my managuense but it also seems like the managuense's scared at the same time. So when it flares its gills, it seems like it's in a defensive mode. I don't think they'll kill each other till maybe they get a lot bigger so i'm not too worried about them dying rite now. So dats don't eat pellets? I feed my tank hikari's cichlid pellets in the meantime but I've never seen my dat eat a pellet. I want to stay away from giving them fish because recently, my managuense had a serious case of ich but survived after treatment. I guess bloodworms or shrimp? will do for now.
if you have a tank your not using ha,ha,ha . You can keep feeders in it, I've done it . I would fill it with fresh water each time a day or so before buying feeders . Treat the tank with aquari-sol or something similar reguardless , always assume feeders have some kind of parasites .I' d rather treat them than my display fish . Feed the feeders well remember your fish eat them .Sound like a pain , there many prepared foods out there , froozen and freeze dried . Try them first .Earthworms are exellent food for fish , do you have a compost pile ?
Of all the predatory fish i keep and have kept only 2 have needed live feeders, all the others are perfectly happy to accept frozen alternatives and most will accept pellet foods too (though not the dat).

At some point your Jag will need to be seperated from the dat and arowanas which are not equiped for life with large aggressive cichlids.
CFC said:
Of all the predatory fish i keep and have kept only 2 have needed live feeders, all the others are perfectly happy to accept frozen alternatives and most will accept pellet foods too (though not the dat).

At some point your Jag will need to be seperated from the dat and arowanas which are not equiped for life with large aggressive cichlids.
I agree with that , but occasionally food with a beating heart is a good thing .
That fish looks nice u seen that video feed him feeeder goldfish .29 cnets each good deal or 30 for 3 bucks
well i don't wanna feed them live foods such as bloodworms because the tank's ground is very fine sand and the worms mite crawl into the sand which would be a waste if it's not nutritionalizing my fish. I thought about keeping a feeder tank because I do have an extra tank that I don't use. I actually wanna breed feeders. Maybe guppies? because I heard that they breed big time. My fish aren't too big yet so guppies are actually fine for them. But gold fish imo would be better and I've heard that they're hard to breed. I guess I'll start doing that since it has come to point where I need live food after I got my datnoid. My other fish eat pellets so I'm not too worried about them. Especially my oscars, I think they prefer pellets instead of fish. Thanx for all the help people. I really appreciate it for allowing me to take better care of my fish.
I don't blame you for not wanting to put small worms in your tank . TUBIFEX AND BLACK WORWS are cultured in filth and it's a good idea to stay away from live ones .Even with those hang on the side [ suction cup ] feeders some still drop down with out getting eaten . I've had them survive in my tanks gravel until tare downs . Blood worms are actually insect larvea , and would stay closer to the top . Try and get some java moss for your breeder /feeder tank , the babies like to hide in and feed off of it . The occassional earthworm is good , for your display fish , they are larger and easier catch if they start to dig in . My fish have a tug of war over them , usually until one get away with the worm or it is torn in two . I dip earthworms in salt or aquari-sol ,before feeding. Not sure if it helps , I don't think it hurts .

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