I need a little help


New Member
Nov 2, 2003
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How's every one doing? I have a Green Terror that has a nasty eye infection. I've tryed medecine, I've also added treated water but nothing's helping. Right now the eye looks like it has a glass marble growing out of its eye socket.

Help....please. I got him a new tank. :sad:
sounds like he has popeye. what meds have you used? have you added salt to the tank? what are your water parameters?

popeye is not contagious. if left untreated, the fish could lose it's eye.
my tank perameters are: 50 Gallons. There's no other fish in there. No I didn't add salt to the tank.. as far a meds I used: fungus cure.. and made some water changes.
any suggestions?
Do a water change - popeye is usually from bad water conditions. Is he in a new tank?
Ok It does sound like popeye. Is the fishs gills swollen , are fins torn or frayed. Also are its eyes cloudy or hazy. If you anwserd yes to 2 or more of these questions then buy Maracyn-Two or some Tetracycline tablets. It might have a bacterial problem.

Thanks for everyone's help and tips. I got him a new tank but I haven't transfered him to it yet. I figured I finish treating him in the old one 'till he gets better.

I feel better now that I know what the problem is thanks all and I will keep you all up to date with the progress. Thanks again. :D :D :D :fish: B) B) B)

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