I messed up my tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
Exeter, England
Last night I got home from work and noticed that my power head had stopped working, so I took it out and fiddled around a bit.

When I put it back on and turned it on, there was loads of gravel in the tube, so I decided to take everything out and start again, using the same water and gravel.

While I was siphoning out the water, the heater exploded, I believe this is quite a common mistake in beginners, but I still feel like an idiot.

So anyway, last night my fish were without a heater. I wonder how long they will last. Of to the LFS in my lunch break to buy a new one, hopefully they will be OK, they all looked fine this morning, and the water was still about 24.

What an idiot.

Keep the central heating turned up and they should be fine. Water holds its heat for a long time.
I know, the water only lost about 1 degree over night. I am getting a new heater in my lunch break, so all should be fine, I hope.
You shoud be fine with only a 1 degree difference. I live in the Arizona desert where we are still (even in October) having 105 F days. Its not economical to set my air conditioning to 78 F when I'm not home. So, daytime is 82 F. The heater on my tank is set for 80 F so I have a 2 degree differential every day and none of my fish have problems with it. Even my puffer is doing fine. And, from what I've read they are one of the more "pickier" fish when it comes to conditions.


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