I may have ID'd my Cories


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I got three little juvie guys. They were sold as Punctatus. I didn't care; They were also sold as "her favorite little cories." That recommendation sold them not a name.

When I came to TFF my first post was to try to ID my two cory groups. Inchworm responded, and I settled on :eek: baby Peppered Cories for sure and maybe ???? Brevriostris (for sure not Punctatus.)

But now I am pretty sure they aren't Brevriostris (my tail fins have radiating blothes.) The closest I can find now is Leucomelas. Not sure, very close. Not sure of the color. Sometimes mine looks more of a silvery tanbut very silver on the belly and Leucomelas is described as just silver. One of my "chaps" ( :p ) came up to the glass and sat for me, turning around so I could observe all angles clearly. Yhen he sat and took a good look at me. I didn't turn around. How I wanted my camera to be ready, but figured better to take a good look.

So if you have a Leucomelas or are familiar w/them help me out. :)
These are pretty certain now leucomelas, False Spotted Cory. One index said it wasn't a scavenger and should be fed it's own balanced diet. What's that about?
Cories need to be fed sinking pellets because they can't just live on left over food from other fish.

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