Fish Connoisseur
I got three little juvie guys. They were sold as Punctatus. I didn't care; They were also sold as "her favorite little cories." That recommendation sold them not a name.
When I came to TFF my first post was to try to ID my two cory groups. Inchworm responded, and I settled on
baby Peppered Cories for sure and maybe
Brevriostris (for sure not Punctatus.)
But now I am pretty sure they aren't Brevriostris (my tail fins have radiating blothes.) The closest I can find now is Leucomelas. Not sure, very close. Not sure of the color. Sometimes mine looks more of a silvery tanbut very silver on the belly and Leucomelas is described as just silver. One of my "chaps" (
) came up to the glass and sat for me, turning around so I could observe all angles clearly. Yhen he sat and took a good look at me. I didn't turn around. How I wanted my camera to be ready, but figured better to take a good look.
So if you have a Leucomelas or are familiar w/them help me out.
When I came to TFF my first post was to try to ID my two cory groups. Inchworm responded, and I settled on

But now I am pretty sure they aren't Brevriostris (my tail fins have radiating blothes.) The closest I can find now is Leucomelas. Not sure, very close. Not sure of the color. Sometimes mine looks more of a silvery tanbut very silver on the belly and Leucomelas is described as just silver. One of my "chaps" (
So if you have a Leucomelas or are familiar w/them help me out.